Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Report: CEOs Earn 345 Times What The Average Worker Takes Home


  1. I don't see why if they get all this money why don't they help pay some of our debt. If they have all the money in the world and getting paid that much they should help us a little.

  2. Why George Bush gave these people tax cuts I will never know.

  3. its pretty sad that the top 1% own like 99% of the money or whatever it is.

  4. CEO's shouldn't get that much money, I understand if they get a little more because they are running the company but they should not have that much. Average people work so much harder and go through much more than CEO's do and they get life so easy.

  5. some of that money they are making should go to the workers instead of the CEO's. I do not think that it is fair to pay the hard working guys so much less then the guys who go golfing for meetings.

  6. I hate that more CEOs get Alot more money then the workers that actually work theres butts off so they can provide shelter and food for there familys

  7. Ya that is unfair for all the employees that are working harder and are making so much less

  8. i think the wealth should be spread

  9. I think that CEOs should get a little more money, a LITTLE, more money. They worked hard to get where they are and deserve it. I also think that some of the money that goes to CEOs now should be taken away and give to the employees that are doing the work. They are working hard and need the money.

  10. They are the once that own the company's and business so of cores they get the higher pay if the world was perfect we would have it another and fare more farer way but guess what its not.

  11. why shouldnt he get the money he deserves? people thing that CEOs do nothin but sit on there butt all day but that simply isnt the truth! they do a lot of behind the scenes stuff and also a lot of PR stuff! and they get killed if there business doesnt post of profit for 2 buisness quarters! its a high risk i reward job! and anyone who thinks the wealth should be spread should go back to history class and look how well that did the soviet union and how well its doing north Korea! some people need to realize that LIFE ISNT FAIR SO DEAL WITH IT! and also alot of those CEOs put a lot of work and schooling in!

  12. I believe CEO's do deserve there money and should get more then the average working man but 45 times more? no thats just plain out ridiculous. There are families out there that need the money more.

  13. Give me a paycheck or give me death!

  14. Take from the rich and give it to the poor!

    1. and end up like the soviet union?? thats so stupid! our country is great because we get what earn! no body deserves free hand outs!
