Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Legalization of Marijuana



  1. THe legalization of marijuana could create a lot of revenue for states but it will also create a large amount of crime!

    1. i disagree i think most of the crime would go down because there is alot of crime over marijuana which is stupid because in minnesota you just get a little fine if you get busted with it....

    2. Do you have any experence with that happing? ;)

    3. mr goml thats just not needed. the legilazing will in fact creat revenue but all it will lower crime rates and clear up our prison system in witch saves use for money also while at the same time we are making money. it will also create anoughter job market

    4. so your saying that if minnesota made marijuana legal the people who use it wouldnt move here?? (im useing a stereo type but) most of those people are what you call "undesirables" and commit a large portion of crime. young men and woman that have nothing better to do but smoke weed.. it would also be a giant burden on our welfare system.. and marijuana is also considered a gateway drug! so it would cause many more people to start using heavier drugs

  2. if you legalize marijuana it would be a wonderful thing all you would do is tax it like we do to liquer

  3. I do not believe that marijuana should be legalized. Call me crazy, but I think there are morals and ethics involved with doing marijuana. Why do people need a drug that alters your mood and mindset? I think this money grab for legalizing pot is just ridiculous they don't care what effects there are from legalizing it they just care about the money.

    1. Thats a great point! i think many peoples ethics are whats keeping it from being passed in more states and its one of the reasons why i dont support it

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  6. The fact that our government has such small penalties for marijuana, an illegal narcotic, tells you what the government thinks about it.

  7. i dont think legalizing marijuana would be a good thing. i think people would end up smoking this twice as much and then crimes could double

  8. I like this idea. It would fix ANYTHING. The money problem, crime, and taxing it will generate money. If it was a controlled thing everything would get fixed.

  9. I believe that they should legalize marijuana.... i mean it would bring us a lot of money cause it would more likely be like 300$ for a little package..but there should only be certain people who can get it like people that get unemployment, food stamps or anything else where they get money from the government, should not be allowed to get it.

    1. agreed. but you are off a little well alot on ur idea of prices. they acaulluy sell legal medical marijuna cheeper then the street prices. way cheeper

  10. Everyone talks about this topic.I personaly dont thing its that bad i rather have marijuana. then cigarites or alcohol.

  11. The legalization of marijuana has been a controversial subject for quite some time. I really do not know what side I stand on. I think that there could be a lot of revenue from the sail of the drug and a lot of money saved by eliminating the task forces that have to go out and find the illegal drug. I could see plenty of negatives also. If this drug is legalized then people may push for other drugs to be legalized. The use of this drug could spread to the use of other drugs.

    1. they wont push for any other drug. weed is the drug that has like no perniment affects oh and not to mention you can not overdose. will any other drug u can. the chemical THC is smothing that is never seen before in the medical field. there is no replacment for it

  12. The legalization of marijuana is a good thing but it also has its bad things. If they legalize it, it could help our country's debt and reduce crime in our country.

  13. By legalizing pot we are just going to have more problems with people being high in public. Do we really want to move the stoners out of their basements? These surveys don't talk about what people think about being in public with people that are baked so that is a question I feel would need to be answered before we can move towards legalization.

  14. I agree with Tami. It would be okay to legalize it but we shouldn't let people who get food stamps & such get it.

  15. I think any drug should only be legal for ones who need it their is always going to be a black market no matter what ppl say unless u legislation of every drug is ok then you cant do it to just one. Iv seen sideaffects myself kids would sleep alot more in claass andwont pay attention as much

    1. because your kids are coming down. of course your gonna need a nap after a good ride what do u expect. same thing as drinking but with drinking you puke, sleep for a day after words possibly. oh and to mention u can die from alchol

  16. I don't think it is a good idea, I do believe that people really need it for pain and it is a great reliever for cancer patients but it shouldn't be available to everybody.

  17. I think it is a good idea most of the crime in the U.S. is based around drugs so the legalization would stop the trafficing which could prevent a lot of crime.

    1. but it would also lead to heavier use of other drugs. weed is known as a gate way drug, who knows if we leglize weed now we could have a cocane problem in 5 to 10 years

  18. legalizing it wouldn't be as bad as everyone would think it's not harmful and ya it probably would stop most of the trafficking from other country's and they would save money

  19. I think the problem with legalizing marijuana would be letting it become a social norm to smoke it. I don't want marijuana to replace cigarettes. If we legalize I don't want to see people sitting outside their homes getting stoned for the whole world to see just because they can.

  20. Marijuana is the stupidest thing ever and should not be legalized. Anywhere, Ever.

  21. Seeing this legalized in Colorado there hasn't been major postive or negative effects.just more media on colorado

  22. it needs to be legal i would make a lot more money for school and you don't have to pay law enforcement to be out looking for people with Marijuana when they could be looking for people with the more dangerous drugs like meth Marijuana isn't as bad as people think it is in the long run it would make so much money the USA could get out of debt

  23. Minnesota should legalize marijuana now and get ahead of the game like they did with ethanol. Minnesota is the national leader in ethanol policy and development. despenceries will be a booming business and will create a greater revenue for Minnesota
