Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The morning after pill



  1. The whole morning after pill battle seems to be a wash to me. I think it is good that it's available for 17 year old girls and older behind the counter without a prescription, but the battle if there shouldn't be an age restriction and if it should be available on shelves is beyond my knowledge. The pill is a good thing to prevent unwanted pregnancies that would most likely burden society, but how available it should be is unclear.

  2. I don't agree with this. It shouldn't be legal for everyone.

  3. yes i agree with rebecca it should not be available for all girls i think girl should know when they should look into that stuff

    1. yup. they should be subsribed to people cause some people just might get it and not even look at the health concerns that go with using it

  4. I think that the pill should not have an age restriction. If and 11 year old child needs the pill, they should be able to get it. An 11 year old child should not be having a kid, should not be having sex in the first place. If these young children have kids, they most likely will not be able to raise them and society will have to pay for it. I think that no age restrictions is a good thing and will help society in the end.

    1. I agree. Do we really want 12 year old parents walking around? They are so young they can barely take care of themselves. how could they take care of a kid too.

    2. hopefully the ability to not get the pill would stop the 12 year old parents.. maybe it will make them think twice

  5. I don't think this is right. This is just like abortion.

  6. This seems like a realllllly dumb idea. It seems like a great excuse for under aged kids to go out and have a "fun" time and not suffer the conquences. While in reality there is a high of getting something just as bad...STD.

  7. The pill is a good and a bad thing. The age restriction should be 16 and older. It should not be available for children under 16. They shouldn't be doing stuff like that anyway.

  8. The morning after pill seems like a way for getting away with anything a girl wants and not suffer the consequences. I feel like it is essentially an abortion just in the early stages depending on what you consider 'life'. I don't support this pill but I feel like the availability should be far reaching.

  9. The pill is a good thing in many ways if a young girl gets rapped and she cant speek out for help she can take the pill it might not work but some situations girls are in as to say it was a parent doing sexual harm to their child you cant tell your mom so girls have a safty net yes it can be over used and used for wrong purposes but i think all women should have there own call on what to do

  10. i believe this is a good and bad idea....They shouldn't be available to everyone just because that gives pretty everyone the opportunity to go and have a "fun' time and think oh why not lets do i wont get prego ill just take the morning after pill until they get AIDS or something...

  11. I don't really believe in the pill because people shouldn't be having unprotected sex in the first place but it depends on the situation.

  12. I dont believe in this i think if they have unprotected sex then its their own faults and they should have to deal with it otherwise dont have sex if you dont use protection!!

  13. There should be an age restrictions on these types of things just to mack shere some one dose not have an allergic rection to it.

  14. The morning after pill is just another silver lining for frisky young girls to avoid becoming pregnant.

  15. This isn't a good thing and it isn't bad but they should limit who can take it, having sex you should be using protection anyways and this is just a second chance for girls who don't.

  16. It should not be available for all girls and it should not be available on stores shelves.

  17. I dont think that it should be illegal for everyone. Its just like using protection there is no baby formed at this time at all its killing the sperm so it doesnt have a chance to fertilize an egg. I dont argue with this at all
