Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Passion based Learning



  1. I think everyone has a passion for something. If a teacher finds out what their students are really in to. They will want to learn more.

  2. i agree with this i think kids should learn to be passionate about school more and take it serious

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. YES! I agree completely. Learning about things you care about and studying just those things makes you more moviated to study their interests.

  5. If we learn about stuff you like then it would make students a lot more serious about school because they are learning about things they like which hopefully it will not make them fail.

  6. I agree with Larry. Kids need to take school more seriously. This is the place for learning & to get you prepared for college & the real world. It so very important to take school seriously.

  7. You cant just teach kids what they want thiers always goingto be kids who dont care about school they will fail. If teachers only teach what the kids are interested in they wont gain any new information that they might need for college and the real world

    1. But what if you were taught in pre-k or whenever that school was enjoyable, If you had teachers that went in depth and Taught specifically about what you like

  8. I feel like this is telling us that we need to specialize kids where as our public school system does the opposite in trying to have a broad understanding of everything. I know for fact that passion drives essentially all good teaching. A classroom without passion is just nap time.

  9. It would be cool to have specific classes, a lot of them, offered in public school to keep teens excited for their future and even working in that class.

  10. What better way to teach kids... when I am learning about something I like I feel like I am learning better and it helps even more when I have a teacher that is passionate about the subject. but I also think you need to have other knowledge... say you are making certain kids focus on advanced biology but not histories or english... How can that be a well rounded person. I say advance in what you are good at but don't forget about the other things.
