Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Jim "Halvy" Halvorson

On Wednesday September 10th Mr. Halvorson collapsed in the computer lab of an aortic aneurysms. He was rushed to the hospital where they preform emergency surgery. Halvy passed away Saturday morning at 3:30am.

Some of you knew him as Mr. Halvorson, others as Halvy, and still others as Jim, please share a memory of Jim, Halvy, Mr. Halvorson.  


  1. I have so many memories of Mr. Halvorson I can't even count them. I met Mr. Halvorson when i was in 5th grade. he helped me with my classes. 7th was a bad year for me in math, he knew the basics and showed me and i improved. he helped me with my WWII subjects in 8th grade. He always signed my passes out. He always said "Hello" to me in the hallway. he always made jokes. He always had something funny to say. now, it crushes me to know that he is gone. He agreed to help me with a slideshow for Mr. Singsank's class but hearing he had a heart attack and hour after talking to him, it hurt. then waking up the next day hearing he passed away really hurt. all i could do was pray for his family and acknowledging he's in a better place and that brought me comfort.

  2. I liked Halvy as a teacher, even though some didn't, and he had an odd sense of humor. Like when he would tell jokes with monotone voice no one would laugh because they didn't know it was a joke.

  3. This is my 1st year at ACGC high school and I really don't know any of the teachers except Mary cause she's my neighbor, but Mr. Halvorson seemed like he was the teacher that everyone wanted, and he seemed like a really cool guy to have around the school. I can tell that he will be missed dearly.
