Tuesday, September 30, 2014

In school, whether others see you as good-looking or not matters



  1. I think that to some people, being good-looking does matter to a point. For others, it may not really affect them. It all just depends on that person's mindset.

  2. How do you define average looking or attractive looking? Who says if we are average or if we are attractive? I think this article does have a valid point, but I also think it has a lot to do with self perception.

    1. How do you develop your self perception? It is formulated or constructed by how you interpret other peoples opinions of you. Your idea of "Self" is based on others.

  3. I think that being good looking and up to others standards means a lot to some people but some people aren't affected by others thoughts nearly as much.

  4. I believe in our society the way you look does play a major role. If you are insecure about your looks you might limit the things you do. Whereas if you are confident in your looks you might be more willing to try knew things and excel more. It really does depend on the person and there mentality.

    1. I agree it has more to do with your self perception and self confidence than actual looks.

  5. I think that it shouldn't matter what you look like in school or how people see you. People shouldn't care about the types of clothes that you wear, or what style

    1. People shouldn't but they do. We constantly compare ourselves to others.

  6. I also agree with "black sheep". Some people do care about their apperance and what others portray about them but some dont care what others think they dress how they want to dress. It all really just depends on what kinda friends you have too.

  7. it all depends on how the person feels about themself, if they are told they are good looking they are going to believe it, if they are told something different they are going to believe that, it all depends on what you think about yourself, everyones good looking in there own way
