Monday, March 3, 2014

Student Loans Are Ruining Your Life and Now They Are Ruining the Economy


  1. I hate that student loans take over people's lives. These people went to college to become successful not to be in debt for the rest of their lives. I hope this doesn't keep going on, especially knowing that I will be swimming in student loans when I graduate from college.

  2. we have to make up for money some ware. but i think we can find a better solution other than kids trying to get ahead.

  3. i think that it is absolutly rediculous how much it cost to go to school. when you get out of school you wont even be able to live.

  4. I am definitely not excited for the many years it will take me to pay off my student loans, but college costs money. It's not going to be a breeze to be successful. There are always cloudy patches to get through to where the sun shines.

  5. I think it's ridiculous how people especially the government seem to value education so much and preach that in order to be successful in life you must have a good job and in order to have a good job you must have a good degree. But it costs an arm and a leg just to get a degree. Most the population can hardly even afford college, or they will be paying it off for the rest of their lives.

  6. I agree that it will take some money to earn a college education but it shouldn't cost as much as it does. I will have thousands of dollars of student loans waiting for me when I finish school and it's something that I'm not looking forward to one bit. Don't you think that maybe these awful student loans chase away some kids from striving for a higher education? I thought America was the land of opportunity, shouldn't a young adult be able to achieve the level of education in which they chose regardless if they are wealthy or poor? the amounts of student loans shouldn't be "ruining" kids lives. College is suppose help you become better educated so that you can get a job and make a living not get a job and pay off student loans for the rest of their lives.

  7. I am still paying back my student loans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. college is not cheap, but if you want an education to be able to find a good paying job, you can increase your chances of paying back your loans sooner. if you are say $40,000 in debt, if you can find a job that starts you out at $29,000 a year, then your chancing of paying it off soon is increased. you could pay that if in less than 5 years. but it also depends on what you do with it. just dont waste your money

  9. I believe colleges are becoming a waste of money due to the price and bad economy. There are many college students that graduate and have a hard time finding a job. There must be an alternative.

  10. If colleges would charge less, i think more people would attend college and finish it, without the burden of having an extremely large debt after. Now a days after you finish college, you spend the rest of the time trying to pay off their student loan, honestly its ridiculous and unethical.
