Monday, March 3, 2014

Men & Social Media: Why Men Share their Feelings on Twitter but Not With You.


  1. I don't really see this in our school very much. Most of my friends don't express their feelings a lot over facebook or twitter.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The article is about why are men more likely to post their feeling on social media that tell their mate.

  3. I agree with Steve Jewbs saying that I don't see this a lot in our school or around here. Most guys that I know aren't really into sharing about their feelings over social media.

  4. The Reason men now a days are tweeting there feelings more is because in today's society everybody does not have the balls to actually talk to there partner about the problems. And this is a reason technology has hurt the relationship world in a bad way. Today we just try and find the perfect match instead of working out problems with someone else. Everyone just says F it and gets divorced. Grow some balls.
    Stay Classy ACGC.

  5. Men are suppose to be tough and not show feelings cause girls like that I think that's why you never see a man crying about a brake up

    1. I disagree with that completely. I like a guy who isn't afraid to open up. "Tough guys" are lying to themselves and everyone around them.

  6. Well your woman is sitting there trying to enjoy the movie or TV show. You dont want to interrupt your significant other so you just tweet it and then no interuption.

  7. communicating through social media can give you more confidence in what youre saying because you dont have to deal with the persons reaction face to face

  8. i dont think men really post their feelings on there its more of a girl thing.

    1. Some men do according to the study. A lot of guys probably go to social media as a way to get their feelings out and not have to be face to face with someone. Not every girl posts their feelings on social media either.

  9. What you think and what the studies have shown are two different things.

  10. I think we as a society have become weaker and men no longer "suck it up" and "grow a pair" and go to social media to express their emotions

  11. It's a lot easier to say something that's not right to the persons face. Saying it to a social media is 10x times easier because you won't be getting a response from your computer screen. It's just easier for them.

  12. I don't really see this often on social media. In real life yes, most guys don't open up to a lot of people. The one who does open up to you is a keeper.

  13. I feel like men just hide their feelings instead of tweeting about it. Maybe that happens other places, but i don't see it very often around here.

  14. Why even post it on social media why not just it to them? Especially if you're with them. And I don't know if I agree that men are more likely to express themselves on social media then women.

  15. Social Media has destroyed Communication between couples. No one knows how to communicate face to face anymore. They hide behind screens

  16. Social Media have made things impersonal.

  17. It is a lot easier to say what you feel over the internet and not to the persons face but by not communicating in relationships it does ruin them.
