Monday, March 3, 2014

How I Quit Google!


  1. Google is just another way for the government to keep tabs on you. Any privacy you think you have you are probably wrong.

  2. I think it's absolutely insane that a simple search in like Google is capable of something like that. I don't think a lot of people realize what it is capable of. I try to not put a lot of personal information on any social media but others however put everything about them. Everything that's happened in the past, everything they do throughout the day, and everything they plan on doing tomorrow. It's just a little to much for you to put yourself out there like that. Putting your entire life on the internet when almost any individual from anywhere in the world could find. This strikes another interesting point, you need to be responsible and respectful of what you put on the internet because, teachers or bosses could possibly see that and it could cost you a job or at least get you in trouble.

  3. It's weird to know that everything you've searched is probably traceable. It kind of makes you also want to quit using google.

  4. Quitting google, as with breaking all habits, would be hard. Deciding to quit would all depend on your desire for privacy.

    1. How can you really 'quit' Google though? Bing, Yahoo, etc. are all the same. Google is a way to acquire knowledge. It is important to not leak too much information about yourself, but at the end of the day Google will still be Google and everyone will use it.

  5. every action you make on the internet is traceable back to you. That's why you're suppose to think before you post/search. Nothing new here.

  6. I dont think people realize how little privacy they have. It is hard to keep things private on the internet so you really need to be careful and smart about what you put out there

  7. its not to spy on you. there trying to make Google better by advertising things that matter to you. Google could care less if you like glittery shoes. there just trying to make that paper and do it the best way there capable of.

  8. This just shows how careful people have to be about what they put on the internet. Once it's on the can never get it back

  9. I have a bad feeling based on what you search the government can tell what kind of a person you are. I do not know what they could do with that information, but it can't be good.

  10. Regardless the government knows to much. I think we use it for reasons we dont need. It is a good tool but I dont like the fact people can just look me up. Stay Classy ACGC

  11. This can easily destroy a persons reputation if in the wrong hands.
