Monday, September 10, 2012

Is Facebook the New Reality TV?

Click on above link and read the article then respond back on this blog.


  1. Facebook is probably a lot more popular that your favorite tv show. If you think about it, Facebook has a lot to do with reality. People are always putting things like: what their doing, what they are doing tomorrow, what their eating etc. So everyone that you are friends with and even people that you are not friends with can see what your doing and pretty much know about what your doing in your life. To me that sounds alot like a reality show.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Facebook is way more addictive then tv is now.

  4. I think that facebook isn't always happy because sometimes people are just negative and depressing.

  5. I liked it when he said if you are so popular and in demand, why are you on facebook all the time? Facebook should be a tool to connect with people, not eliminate social contact.

  6. Facebook is basically a huge blog for people to share what they do with thier lives. There are differences between this blog and facebook, but they have the same purpose for the most part.

  7. Let me rephase this.
    There is no need to be so consistently updated with people. I do not care for what you are doing with your cat, what your cat is doing, or why your cat is doing something. As a tool to get in touch with folks you might not necessarily be able to get into touch with, it's fine. Absolutely fine. But as this...thing that has escalated so far as to cause real-life suicides and shootings, it's completely unnecessary.

  8. I feel like reality TV is similar to facebook just because the fact that it has to deal with true life things. Some of the things posted on Facebook are entertaining, like TV shows are intended to do, so I do think Facebook is the new reality TV.

  9. Facebook is ridiculously large and it has over taken so many people. I think the average person spends as much time on facebook as they do watching their favorite shows. Its out of control

  10. people may have killed themself or killed other people off of it but its not like they wouldnt if there wasnt a facebook instead of posting it on facebook they would say it all around school and around their backs its just another way of communication the good and the bad and people do need to realise what they say on facebook does matter its doesnt dissapear it is there and you cant get rid of it even deleteing it doesnt get rid of it they keep everything you post or comment so be more carefull with what you say on facebook

  11. This is very accurate when it comes to how people always have their face buried in there cell phones or laptops. In my opinion I find people are also expressing more of their feelings online as well. So this could be a bad and good thing. Some people need to let out their feelings, and some keep it private.

  12. I think facebook is like a reality tv because everyone updates it like its there lives but yet again isnt that what facebook was meant for?!

  13. I think that facebook is every ones new favorite reality t.v show. Every one is constantly on it, updating their statuses, viewing others updates, and ect.
    Facebook isnt always about people trying to prove something its about expressing your feelings and showing people how you are. Because when it comes to person to person you get scared to be yourself, and when it come to facebook you feel more free.

  14. I think Facebook is everybodys thing to go on. Everyone is always on an posting what there doing its a place where you can instant message and share photos,also to keep in contact with family. Well if you think of it like T.V. there is real people.

  15. I think that facebook has become something taht the creator did not intend. He ment for people to connect and talk to eachother. Now it has become a way for people to be lazy and get information that may not be useful in life.

  16. i feel like now days most people spend time on more advanced things such as Facebook, Twitter and cell phones. i do think facebook is the new reality tv because everyone goes on to see what other people are doing and its like what everyone else is talking about like when people used to discuss tv shows, now days there discussing things that were going on on facebook.

  17. Facebook is a complete joke. It was cool when it first started up, but now it's all about ads, attention whoring, and complaining. I've moved on to twitter and enjoying that alot, until more and more kids start getting it.

  18. For some people facebook is there tv. but now its starting to get boring eventually people will just get sick of it

  19. people are definitely over doing Facebook. A lot of people waste multiple hours a day on facebook when they could be doing something else with there time. And thats exactly why this generation is the obese era.
