Saturday, September 22, 2012

Researches Say Facebook Is Fueling Eating Disorders.


  1. I don't think Facebook is the real cause of eating disorders. Basically Facebook is today's society, what the view of society, is also the view of the people on Facebook.

  2. That is a load of crap. Facebook isnt cause eating disorders

  3. Its the persons life, not facebook. Dont blame a social website for the society's eating disorders.

  4. i think that its more likley that its the girls who already have self-esteem issues are the ones on facebook vs saying that facebook causes self-esteem problems

  5. i agree with victoria. if a girl looks at a girl on facebook and is like "o i wanna be more like her" thats not because of facebook. that same girl could get an eating disorder from just walking out her front door. its a society issue not facebook.

  6. I can see how this can relate. I'm sure that there are girls out there that see pictures of other really good looking skinny girls and they want to be like them. So they then develop an eating disorder to become that popular good looking girl.

  7. i dont see how a social net work has anything to do with an eating disorder unless they eat to much thats making them obese but you can do that infront of the tv so i dont see how facebok and an eating disorder come together?
