Saturday, September 22, 2012

What if Rich Countries Shut The Door on Immigration?


  1. If rich countries shut the door on immigration they would find they are in some trouble they would need to find people who think its below them to work at fast foods or at grocery stores or being a plummer "etc" you got to think about it this way every one says immigrants are stealing jobs but they aren't they are taking the jobs YOU DON'T WANT.

  2. I think it would be helpful to countries like th US to not completely stop immigration but to stop it untill all the illigals are out and then we could only let in some immigrants.

  3. there should be a massive cap on immigration.

  4. I think that immigration and tourism are two very different things. Stopping immigration does not necessarily mean that you are ending tourism.

  5. America is a country of immigrants. You and I would not be here if it wasn’t for immigration. And now that you and your family is here you want to shut the door on others?

  6. 40% of all fortune 500 companies were started by a 1st gen. Immigrant.

  7. Maybe there should be some kind of limit on immigration, but tourist should still be able to go on vacation obvously.

  8. There needs to be stronger borders. They need a giant electric fence so that your only way in is through the gates. And once that is established they need to put a quota out for so many immigrants a year. Once we reach that number you close the doors down.

  9. I don't think countries would do this because they would have to stop all of incoming flights so it would be extreamly difficult to get in and out of the country.

  10. Huh.
    Why would you shut out immigration, when it can bring more good to said country?

  11. I think that tourists coming is ok but they should stop immigration.
