Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The New World Order: Rush Limbaugh vs Empowered Women in the 21st Century


  1. Ya people should have the right to speak their mind but they should watch what they say sometimes. People take the whole freedom of speech thing way out of portion. They think that they can blab what ever they want when certain thing share just better unsaid.

  2. I believe this Rush Limbaugh is a moron who needs to get off his high horse

  3. His comments were absurd and im not sure how he got influential in the first place..its a good thing hes now view for what he is

  4. Freedom of Speech is a good amendment to have but, in my opinion, it is greatly abused. Yes, we have the right to say what we want, but sometimes, people need to learn to just keep their mouths shut. speaking against or for something can have a positive outcome or a negative one. It would be in someone's best interest to know when to talk and when to just shut up.

  5. Yeah Rush went a little too far with what he said but Ive heard worse from programs on the other side of the political spectrum about Sarah Palin. To me this is another one of those way over-exagerrated media articles that are way one-sided.

  6. its always fun to see free speech bite someone in the butt.

  7. i think people dont understand the meaning of freedom of speech and abuse it for what they want it to mean. when you here freedom of speech people can put it in anyway they want to say whatever they want but they dont understand its how the people with higher authority think it is.

  8. Whoever says something like that is completely ignorant. The government isn't paying for us to 'have sex' it's to keep us safe from things, and preventing unwanted pregnancies, and etc. The point of Planned Parenthood is to help young women. Not just to shovel out abortions or whatever people think Planned Parenthood does. But we need to keep funding for that so people are staying safe and we can reduce the std risk.

    1. i agree there just there to protect us

    2. i agree with out them we would have way more unplanned children and more people with stds.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I agree, this guy is putting a huge negative stereotype on women who are just trying to protect themselves.

  9. i think there just lookin out for us and trying to keep us safe

  10. i think alot of times freedom of speech is taken out of hand people need to respect there country and what it has done for us

  11. I'm on the same page as the previous comments. Freedom of Speech is technically "labeled" as a right,but to me it is a privilege. Just like most things in the world are privileges. People abuse them, and once you abuse them, as in Rush's case people are going to have a new perspective of him, and how the thinks, and many of his followers are not happy and do not approve of what he said. He over stepped the boundries.

  12. Freedom of Speech doesn't mean you can just say whatever you want to. We have to stay in a certain boundary zone. Sure, in it's truest form you do have the capabilities to say whatever you want but people (maybe not even the law) but people will judge you for what you say. Social deviance and breaking social norms comes with a price.

  13. I believe Freedom of Speech is a very big privilege, but we need to be informed about what we are talking about (especially before making such harsh accusations against a group of people, such as Rush Limbaugh made against people who use birth control) and we need to take responsibility for what we say and deal with the consequences. Basically, think about what you say before you say it.

  14. I think people have taken the freedom of speech thing and ran with it. They just open their traps and then use the excuse they have the freedom to say whatever they like and act like it isn't going to have big repercussions and offend people. Especially someone so much higher on the totem pole in society then the rest of us that was a bad idea on his part because he lost a significant amount of respect from people.

  15. Only certain women should be empowered. Thats like saying female hookers can run for president

  16. This has to be the biggest joke of an article to ever be published. I agree with Rush 100%. Why should the government pay for young underage women to have sex without protection. Everyone knows thats why their on it. Its not to help them go through high school or college and complete a degree like the article says. Limbaugh used his freedom of speech perfectly fine just as he always does. If you don't like how he says things and think he abuses his rights, don't listen to his show.

  17. I dont think that Fluke meant it in a bad way by asking government to pay for birth control. She was simply asking for the government to help protect women against unwanted pregnancy.
    Yes there is Freedom Of Speech but Limbaugh took full advantage. By lashing out on Fluke he offended poeple that stood side by side with Fluke, and unfortunately also his audience. And now he has to face his consequences.
