Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The cost of education

Keeping the previous two post in mind, how would you propose paying for your new school and why?
Raise taxes only for those that live in the ACGC district, charge tuition, Increase the state contribution to ACGC in effect raising the taxes for the whole state or any other creative funding plan.

Everyone must respond
Only post after you have posted to the previous two topics.


  1. I guess I don't really pay attention to how things are getting paid for. I don't pay for taxes, and tuition would suck big time. College tuition is expensive enough as it is. And since high school is basically mandatory until your 16 or 18 whatever. I think it should be free, a college education on the other hand is Optional, that's why I understand the need for money. Maybe increase the contribution to ACGC.

  2. I think that to raise taxes only for those that live in the ACGC district even if they dont got to our school they will still have to pay some student may go to a different school to try and get outta paying but that wont work. Why i think this is the best way to pay is because its this district who wants a new school then they should be the onse to help pay for it, Also if you charge tuition would help to that would just mean that the students who want to take those classes would have to pay a fee which isnt a bad thing because it would go to the class to helo you learn.

  3. I think that you should have to pay taxes to our school if you live in our district. IF you live in our district and move your kids to a different school you should still have to pay taxes to our school. I think tuition should stay private school. Public is public for a reason. People who put there kids in a private school must just think they are better and honestly i think we learn the same thing. I am not a big fan of private schools just for the fact that playing them in sports they are snots. Maybe instead of paying tuiton,people should make generous generartions to the school.

  4. Have a small tax for everybody in the district and who open enrolled into our school. And if that wasnt enough a small tutition fee would be fine if no other options were avalible

    1. yes i agree but some people would have a problem with it and not want to

  5. i think that i would take may ways to pay for the new school. i think that the main one would have to be increase tases of the people who live in the distirct. then i think that the lunch would have to be like an ala cart tipe paying way. we could also ask for donations. there might be some grants that are avalable from the state. then lastly we would ask the state to raise taxes if nothing else is possable.

  6. to pay a little more in taxes if you are in the district. fundrase. get grants if possible. and donations for people

  7. not have highschool anymore or tuition for students who chose to go. and cut classes. enough of this raising taxes bs

  8. generous donations i meant not generations

  9. I think that raising taxes for everyone who lives in the district is the best idea. Obviously there are people who don't have kids anymore who won't want to pay for our school, but it still would be benefiting the community. Charging tuition would make our school more like a private school, which I think a lot of people would be against. If raising taxes in our school district still didn't provide enough money for the school, then I would resort to raising taxes for the entire state.

  10. I think education gets jipped in the first place by the state. We should stop building sports staidiums and give more money to schools.

  11. from the government because they waste too much money on point less things so instead of the money going to pointless stuff it can go to the students and education to help them learn more and excel in life

  12. mine sounds like i need to charge tuition, and get a few grants....yaaaa haha. But i also believe there are different ways you can pay for a school, through donations, the government and such. But id like the school to have eco friendly properties to it so cost of electricity costs would be down from natural lighting and such but...its a hit and miss

  13. I would ask the government for a large grant its what its there for after all although its not very good about fulfilling its function.

  14. There’s no point in raises taxes if the school isn’t worth going to. Teachers rarely teach, or their just plain rude. Super indent thinks all teachers are just angels and everything is the students fault. Schools need to earn whether money not except it. That what’s wrong with our school the school system except the money instead of trying to improve the school they just hand out the money to the teachers that don’t need it just so they get paid even more for just sitting in their chair. Ya the teachers are reviewed but their warned about their reviews so they can actually prepare a lesson the night before.

  15. We should sell all the land around grove city to canada. and then build the new school with the profits.

  16. First, I would make sure that the school has a good budget when it gets started up. Keep everything simple for the time being and then work up to improving everything that I would improve. There is no point raising taxes because families would move out of the district due to the inflation of taxes.

    1. I agree, I think this is a good strategy and one I would go with. I would also try to get the state to fund the school more.

  17. I don't think the teachers here are bad at all. I have never walked into class and not learned something, so obvisouly they must be teaching.
    I agree with the first couple of comments about taxes being raised for those only in the ACGC school district.

  18. i like the teacher here as well. i learn something new each and every day!

  19. Going to high school is mandatory so the tuition idea is out, you shouldn't be allowed to make people pay for something that is required by law. On a newer post about the American prison system the article said the government spends more money on updating prisons than it does on education, so we should redirect that money to the schools (if education is increased, the crime rate should decrease). We could just raise district taxes, if the district votes and agrees this is what we want to do. There are so many different options out there.

  20. Well mr greendude bro, school's education is also free. its just that they dont have to feed you or let you go on field trips or stuff like that. but if you like eating or having trips then it is your responsibility to help pay for those activities and such. Also I don't really know if I know what im talking about, but I think I heard what I just said from somewhere so...ya ahha
