Tuesday, December 2, 2014

What Disney Doesn't Tell You


  1. The girl does have a point, but it would not necessarily be beneficial for Disney movies to teach. It is not up to Disney movies to teach society to stay in a relationship and to find companionship over passion. I agree that society's perception of love is misguided but I do not believe it is up to Disney to change that.

    1. If the media has such a large influence on our socialization and Disney is a media giant, Then I do believe Disney has a role and a responsibility to promote the social values of the majority.

  2. I think media defiantly has an impact on how we think relationships should be

    1. So do you think the media is giving us the wrong idea and it should be changed?

    2. yeah i do because its not realistic at all.

    3. Some forms of media is not realistic, there is a portion of media that is real. Freedom of the press is a good thing, but people abuse this CONSTITUTIONAL right. They care more about ratings than they do about the truth, so they're hiding the facts and only telling us what we want to hear.

  3. I agree that it is not up to disney to teach us. I think our idea of relationships is forever tainted because of media.

  4. The impact of such media reveals itself on kids that grew up with disney. Although this may affect the typical relationship, lasting relationships still exist because of positive role models.

    1. I agree that positive role models can play a big role in lasting relationships, but the media can also have some impact.

  5. media really dictates relationships it seems

  6. I agree with this because it is true i hear people say "i want a relationship like the notebook" or I want a relationship like cinderella. Its just not realiastic to have a realtionship like that the honey moon phase eventually fades.

  7. Disney has made it's money off of Fairy Tales. FAIRY TALES! They don't want to tell you that actual truth because that would ruin your childhood.
