Tuesday, December 2, 2014

How Fetal Photography Changed the Politics of Abortion



  1. It is ironic that the fetus in the pictures was already aborted, but for the photographer to get what he wanted, that is what he needed. I do believe that the pictures of the fetus made people go against abortion because it really illustrated to them what a fetus is. But not really because they were already aborted.

  2. Do you thinks the introduction of ultrasound has decreased the occurrence of abortions?

    1. I think it may have because I feel like when a mother gets to see her baby's heartbeat for the first time and watch how it slowly develops that she may realize that she really does want to keep the baby.

    2. I feel like this definitely decreased the amount of abortions. Mainly because of what black sheep said. Many mothers want to keep there baby after they hear it and see it for the first time. It's almost like they just suddenly realize they are going to have a baby then. That maybe she would regret the decision of not keeping the baby later on and life.

  3. Only about 5% of abortions are late term abortions, meaning that the abortion happened after the 12 weeks of pregnancy. Generally these ones are only done either because, the pregnancy is causing harm to either the parent, or the fetus underdevelopment.

    Take note I said FETUS. In my opinion it is not classified as a baby until it is born, Just because a sperm fertilizes an egg doesn't make it a baby. That's like saying germinating a seed makes that now, germinated seed into a tree. You aren't killing a baby with an abortion, you are just canceling the development of an organism, just like digging up a tree sapling, it isn't a tree yet, it isn't called a tree. It's a sapling, and so it a fetus.

  4. i thinks its decreased tremendously
