Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Smart Phones

Every year the latest and greatest new cell phones come to the market and people wait in lines to get them first. Are the Smart Phones making us dumber or more informed?


  1. I think that they are making us both dumber and smarter, just in different areas. Now, phones are doing so much more for us that some of the simplest tasks are not well known.

  2. smart phones make hard tasks simple but by doing this we tend to take the easy route as a society, smartphones are making us lazy

  3. Im on the edge on this. They are making us dumber in ways like direction and not knowing knowledge because we can just look it up right away using the internet or the maps app. Also smarter because we do have that instant access to the web so we can look things up right away if we need too.

  4. I think they are doing a little of both. They are making us dumber with texting because people are doing less talking in person and more over text so they are not very good with face to face interaction but they are making us more informed with having the internet right there to go look something up.

  5. I think a little of both because people will constantly be texting and not talking to people face to face, but at the same time, they can also be making us smarter. If you're at home and you forget a text book and don't have a computer at home or even a laptop, but you have internet on your phone, you can just look it up to get your answer that way.

    1. i agree with this, they make it convenient but sometimes its to convenient and it will make us lazy

  6. it's based a lot on how you use it. if you use your phone to play mindless games, it's not really helping us, only keeping us entertained. there are people that use their phone to figure things out or google things they need/want to know, but that could also be considered a bad thing. some people rely on their phones ability to use internet too much. if they don't know something, they just look it up.

  7. It has made us dumber and people who say that they make up for it by granting us access to information do not actually retain the information they look up.

  8. its made us lazier

  9. I also believe that smartphones in a way do make us dumber. On the other hand some people get a smartphone because they need it for there job, to use it as a tool. Using a smartphone to your benefit is not always a bad thing.

  10. I agree smartphones are a great tool for people that use them for their job. I have a smartphone and i don't think it has made me dumber.

  11. smartphones have made us socially awkward but at the same time its made things easier

  12. I think its is both. Because we can have the news on hand and look anything up we need help with. But its also making us dumber because we rely on are smart phones to much and then don't use commonsense in are life.

  13. My personal opinion is dumber, because today people only use smartphones for social media and games. Don't get me wrong its good to do these things once in a while but not every minute of every day.
