Tuesday, December 2, 2014

50 Years Later: Is the Birth Control Pill Patriarchy Compliant?



  1. i think that the pill company's have started overlooking what the pill is supposed to do, prevent pregnancy, not clear skin or enhance breast size. they need to focus on the main point of taking it. preventing pregnancy. pills should not be used to fix your appearance issues

    1. Why don't you think birth control pills should be used for other purposes besides preventing pregnancy?

    2. They're are BIRTH control pills, they are used to prevent pregnancy and that is what they should be taken for and that's it. Any other use of them should be categorized as abuse

    3. i agree with tretzy, pills should be taken for there intended use. if you take a pill for any other reason then its intended use then it should be classified as abuse. it would be like taking a pain pill to increase happiness, its the same idea, taking a substance for other reasons then its intended use

  2. use the pill for its purpose.

  3. I think that women should be allowed to use it for whatever purpose they see fit because they're the ones who were subjected to start taking birth control in the first place, not men.

    1. what about men? we dont have any miraculous pill that helps us with all our acne and body issues, why should women get this advantage but we dont?

  4. I honestly don't believe that a pill could get rid of acne. And some women can have mild mood swings even when they aren't on the pill.
