Friday, February 22, 2013

Is media violence damaging to kids?


  1. I do think too much violence in media too early in life can be damaging, but as long as rating systems are followed there really isn't a large risk for violence. As for claims that people who like Halo or Call of Duty are at risk to be more violent or links to school shootings is absolutely absurd. Simply be smart with your kids and everything will be fine.

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  3. You kiddin' me? The worst thing violent video games are doing to kids is keeping them from doing there homework. Just cause the filthy animal that went bazerk in Newton played call of duty doesn't mean that violent media is the cause. The guy was nuckin futs!

  4. i think voilent video games aint bad just that fact the it introduces young kids to acts of voilence before they are mentally ready may be "dangerous" in some kids but for most its not that big of a deal.

  5. Yes for young kids. But i feel that once you reach a certain age, you can handle it.

  6. yes when children are young their mind can be changed a lot by the environment they grow up in.If a child grows up in a violent house that can change how they behave so yes i behalves video games can damage kids.

  7. There is a fairly good populace of people at our own school who would consider themselves avid "gamers" and I know none of them would go on a shooting rampage. People have known violence for eons and trying to stave kids from it now simply won't help. Hitler didn't play violent video games and look at what he did. Osama bin Laden didn't play Call of Duty but he knew what extreme violence was. Violent video games and real violence are essentially unrelated. The only connection is with video games themselves and what effect staring at a screen for hours can do to a person.

  8. Children's minds can be decided on which environment they grow up in. If they are used to violence than they are going to be more violent then most likely. So video games have age limits and they should stick to the age limits because some ages can handle it and others can't.

  9. social media i think helps with updating us with what is happening around us!but then does a lot to harm us, so its pretty back and forth

  10. It depends on what the kids are watching and what kind of violence there is in it. like for a little kid playing halo four would be bad violence for them but watching tv not really you can always block the bad channels so they don't watch them at all.

  11. video games are not harmfull! people that go on mass killing are mentally unstable,socially enept and have had a history of violence. video games doesnt create a problem its the person thats the problem

  12. Its not the media it is the unstable kids. The Sandy Hook shooting was done my a kid that was mentally unstable.

  13. It is hard to make a connection between kids and video games. Violence comes from people that are messed up in the head. We do not need less violent video games, we need more insane asylums and help for people with mental issues. Also, what kid hasn't played cowboys and Indians or cops and robber or war? It is part of growing up. I remember playing war all the time and using anything i could find to be a gun. This was before i even knew what video games were. I may have watched a few war shows but that didn't make me want to go shoot up a school. Mental issues are the main problem.

  14. I dont think so kids see it on tv then talk about it or play like it then 2 weeks later it's something new

  15. i dont think its hurting the kids any. they see violence there hole life in movies on the news and just is how they react to the violence.

  16. I think that kids shouldn't play violent games because it could make the kids think its okay to kill people, or act in violent ways.
