Thursday, February 14, 2013

Forget Drones. The Real Problem Is “War Without Boundaries”

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  1. I agree. We are spending millions upon millions of dollars fighting a "war" that we essentially know nothing about. It's time to stop all the violence and only take action when we are truly threatened or when it's absolutely necessary, not as a first resort.

    1. i couldnt agree more Great Gilgamesh! i think it is horrible how they are spending that much money when it could be used for other things like education etc. Stopping violence would be great!

    2. true stop violence but the truth is thats never going to happen , bc some ppl think war helps ever thing.

  2. How about instead of critizing every move the military makes maybe we can get our head out of the clouds and get behind the experts and relize that maybe we dont know the whole story and the average joe is not that well informed nor does he know whats going on over there! im sick of people questioning the judgment of our military!

  3. This war has been going on for too long. Right now it seems like we are fighting for nothing. The money we spend on the war is astounding. If we would train the police and the armies of the other countries we could stop spending money on pointless missions that may not even work. We could bring the troops home and let the countries we left learn to depend on themselves and not us. I think we should continue to be cautious about certain threats but just because we receive a threat does not mean we should automatically send half our army there.

    1. So not only erradicating terrorists but also establishing a friendly and stable country in an area where every one hates us and contains about 2/3rds of the countrys that hate us is nothing.. its a lot bigger then just the past eleven years.. its about the next 50 or 60..

  4. We are spending way too much money on the war. We are just wasting money. the reason people are dying is because the people over there are trying to get rid of us.

  5. we spend money just to spend money and i think sometimes we just dont know why we are spending it ?!

  6. It seems like all we are doing is having fun killing people, there seems to be no point in it. And I really loved what they said about if we are in a war for 11 years we obviously aren't doing it right.

  7. war is in our nature we are naturaly vilant tring to stop war is like trying to put a bullet in our brain. You cant stop human nature you can only control it, even then it will still come back even more hungrier for blood.

  8. i agree we are spending way way way to much money that we dint have FYI on this was that isn't really a big deal and or a major threat the our safety meanwhile North Korea is threatening us with nuclear weapons of mass destruction, huh doesn't add up does it.

  9. I agree with Jesse. We are spending way to much money & yes it really isn't that big of deal.
