Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Can You Tell Somebody's Race by Looking at Them?

Click on the link below and do the activity and discuss what you thought of it.



  1. i dont think so . you have no idea what there culture is and were they come from. they may be difent colored but who nos were they were raised

    1. agreed. i meen cultures have joined with other cultures alot in the past years and they keep combining for a long time.

  2. People from different cultures vary a ton. You could never tell just by looking at them.

  3. Judging by this activity you cannot be 100% sure of somebody's ethnicity. A lot of people looked very similar across all races. I am not shocked, but I am a little surprised.

  4. No you cannot. A lot of people just assume and judge. I don't think that's right.

    1. Right i dont think thats right either

    2. Well, I think it's fair to take a guess. That's what we just did on this quiz! Certainly if one were to make generalization and have prejudice over an assumed race, that is not right, but what's wrong with guessing?

  5. You can never tell what someones race is just by looking at them unless they had like a sticker on that said it. other wise you can't tell.

  6. you can tell from some things, but yet if you don't know them you have no idea what their culture is and how they were raised.

  7. For the most part you can tell what race they are

  8. some races are easier to tell from others but what if there mixed races then you really cant tell from the first sight

  9. I certainly cannot! This test was borderline impossible! I was struggling big time!

  10. yeah I can sometimes tell a race but I have cousins that have a Mexican father and they look just like normal white people.

  11. Sometimes you can,but not all the time everyone thinks im mexican when i get really dark in the summer time . My boyfriend is whiter then me an he's mexican.

  12. This was really interesting and difficult. It has a really good point. It is very hard to determine someone's race by just looking at them and this proves it.

  13. Race is sometimes easy to tell but the more they "mix" the more difficult it gets to tell what race they are.

  14. No you can guess but you really dont know !!!

  15. you cant judge a book by its cover and neather can you judge soomeones race just by looking at them

  16. No you cannot i mean you may get the obvious color of there skin but you surely don't know if they are mix or something like that

  17. You never know where someone comes from or what their cultural background is. There are so many different races and with that there's mixed races.

  18. When I did this I had a lot of them wrong. It is defiantly hard to tell what some peoples race is just by looking at them
