Sunday, March 3, 2013

A $1 million bet on students without teachers


  1. Online group studying in America woudn't work. Take a look at Stramaun's chemistry class. Ain't nobody in there learing chemistry.

    1. Nicely put. I don't think that i have learned that much at all in that class.

  2. I've learned a lot more that way. Beats the hell out of doing homework

  3. I actually feel like i am learning more in chemistry, because im doing it by myself and if i need questions to be answered she is there to answer them, id rathere use technology so im not falling asleep in class listening to some teacher talk and i have no idea what there talking about!

    1. I would have to disagree with this. The majority of the class isn't going to learn anything because once a teacher says, "Okay class you guys can go learn this yourselfs." There is no way kids are going to get it done. Especially in high school. I do way better when a teacher teaches me. In my experience, I didn't learn anything in chemistry. & it's gonna hit me hard in college. I wish my teacher would have taught us.

  4. I was the same way in Chemistry last year, there are so many youtube videos that you can look up and learn anything these days. I find computers quite a bit more helpful than teachers themselves.

  5. There's teachers who are just good at keeping you awake and active while they are teaching. & on the other hand there are terrible teachers who you wanna just fall asleep, skip class and more. I believe the chemistry thing was good i learned alot more because they took step by step. but yet there's things computers can't teach you were teachers can. So i can't pick one.

    1. Yes soo true !!! We need all teachers to teach but that wouldn't happen !!!!

  6. I think that this is a genius idea. I have always been one who likes to learn on my own. Yes, teachers are needed is some cases, but sometimes things are easier to learn on my own time and with the help from the internet. It is easy to find anything on the internet. There are so many resources, like Khan Academy, that has lessons on almost any subject. I think that tests and punishments stress kids our more then they help them. A lot of students just memorize for the test and then forget it afterwards. I think that it would be much better if students were able to teach themselves, with guidance from a teacher.

  7. I beleve by the time i have grandchildren they can go to school in their room with only a ipad. Children wont need to get up early and eat nasty school food they will be at home or anywhere they want to be and are "at school".

  8. Yes true rubber duckie !!! We are learning by iPads not teachers soo why should we come to school the point for coming to school is have teachers teach us not us teaching are selfs !?!?

  9. I think it all depends sometimes i think its easier to learn with teachers, but faster with technology.

  10. i like the teachers... i guess i have a if aint broke dont fix it mentality. but i do think teachers are important if not or learning as a authority figure. if you just have computers whats to stop you from sitting on espn or facebook all day? it may work for the over achievers of the world but i know i wouldnt do a dang thing if i just sat on a computer all day

  11. Well for some kids they can learn faster with and some kids learn better with teachers but i think its easeir without a teacher

  12. I like doing homework or any assignments we get in class over technology way better then getting handed a book or a packet... I believe it helps are generation right now learn alot better and faster that way

  13. I think it depends on the class you are taking if technology would help you in the long run. i liked it for my chemistry class a lot actually last year. But you have to be self motivated and thats hard to find in teenagers now a days
