Sunday, November 18, 2012

When Colleges look up Applicants on Facebook


  1. Its simple just dont do stupid stuff or put drunk people pictures on facebook

  2. I can see this as both a good thing and a bad thing. I mean it's not cool that they are able to "creep" on your facebook profile but at the same time it can also show the college what type of student you are/will be or if you will cause problems at the school.

  3. i wouldn't want some one to represent me in a bad way even if its on facebook

  4. What you put on facebook is your choice, I think it is good you should be held accountable for what you say.

  5. Personally i don't like facebook and i haven't been on it for over a year. The only reason i have a facebook account is because a friend made it for me. So if a college wants to find dirt on me, they're going have dig a lot deeper than just creeping on facebook!

  6. Put anything from porn to partying pics on your facebook, from what i read you'll be safe. Only a very small % of colleges check out your stuff.

  7. i would be ok with colleges looking at my info cause then they can find out what kind of a person you are

  8. I think it's a good thing in a way so they know what you say abut other people and to see if your responsible on what you put on the internet.

  9. I think its a good thing. The college would get a better perspective on who that person really is.

  10. i think its a good and bad thing because you can truly know someone but then again you become a creep just for college application. Just think twice before you send or post something before it destroys your future

  11. Another reason as to not use Facebook.

  12. I think its good thing, but dont think they have to do it.

  13. i think it is a good thing for colleges and or jobs to be able to look online at your facebook page because most people on facebook have there friends and are comfortable to talk on there, like how they act on there could very well define them as who they are, you could truly see who they are by the way they talk on facebook.

  14. great thing for college's and jobs's to look at because it's you and your true colors. You don't think about what you write till the momment comes when they say i looked at your facebook and most people are like crapppp.. but i believe it's a good thing.

  15. I don't think they should be looking up students on facebook or google. Because there judging someone before they even get to know them.

  16. I think this is a good thing. Social medias show who people are, this also teaches people to think twice before posting anything bad

  17. its a very good thing cause colleges dont want to let a kid into there school if there some big trouble maker and it shows what they really do on there free time and if they lied on there application.
