Sunday, November 25, 2012

Life Without Parole: Juvenile Injustice

Kids Locked Up For Life: A TakePart Infographic
Take Action: Lend Your Voice For Fair Sentencing of Youth
Lies, Smears and Jerry Brown’s Chance to Give Kids Doing Life in Prison a New Start


  1. I think that the youth should be faced to fair sentencing. If they did a terrible crime, then they sould be able to pay for it.

  2. I don't think that there should be a life sentence for minors

    1. So, if you go out and murder 80 people, we are just supposed to say "No, no, don't do that."?

    2. They sould have some common sence by then. Its not like they are ten years old.

  3. At sixteen years old you cannot use the excuse of "I did not know what I was doing." You are capable of making the right decisions, like not killing people.

    1. It's not my fault that I stole a car and drove into a Wal-Mart! I swear, I'm a good little boy.

  4. I found it crazy that half of the kids that are in jail without parole didn't even commit the crime. I think that adults these days are way too harsh on kids.

  5. Try to "resocialize" them. You don't know what kind of life people have had before. After time, check on their progress and moniter them. Give'um another chance.

  6. im pretty sure im confused....i think

  7. I believe that kids are going to prison because of several reasons. number one tv, it plays a huge influence on the minds of teens cause they see these people having a good time and doing some messed up things that is not right. number two is the parents influence, such as if the parents go to jail or do drugs the kids see this and think they need to be like that.

  8. I think that it is unethical to put a minor in Jail for life. They should be brought to a juvanile detentio n center until they are 18, then be put on trile and let judges decide then.

  9. I agree that if a minor commits a serious crime they should be sent to prison. Just because the minor is young doesn't mean they don't know what they did.

  10. the kids are beeing influenced by things that are not right, like the movies and tv shows that are out in todays world.

  11. I think this is so wrong, taking freedom away for life from a minor is just not right. Yea let them to time for their crimes but its a bit overboard to put them in there for life. This made me mad.

  12. I think it all depends on what they actually did.

  13. I they should ber put away but no for a life sentance.

  14. I think its depending on the age and how serious the crime is.

  15. I think it depends on what they did because if they were to kill someone then yeah they should be put away for life. but if they just stole or something that would be extremely crazy.

  16. i think that it depends on what they did if it is something minor i don't think they should have to sit for life.

  17. If it's very serious than they should have to sit for life. but if it's minor than they shouldn't have too. Extreme crimes yes minor ones no.

  18. I think it is situtational. If a teen kills someone they should be in for life, but not for a minor crime

  19. It all depends on what kind of crime the kid has committed because if its something minor and could just be sent for a couple months or years for it then do that now if he or she kills someone then i would say give him or her life..
