Sunday, November 25, 2012

Papa Don't Leave!

The link below brings you to an infographic image. Take a look and respond and feel free to look at other infrographics .


  1. I don't understand why there should be paid paternity leave. Why get paid to NOT do work?

  2. I think that dad's should be able to get some time off to spend time with their newborn child. Kids have 2 parents, not just one.

  3. If mama is able to care for newborn, there's no need for dad to stay home. He need to make a living for family. Only if both parents can claim disability or get welfare, then the whole gang can stay home.

  4. Parents should get some time off. Both moms and dads need to be around thier newborn, plus it benifits the baby.

  5. I think that we sould have paterity leave for fathers. this way mothers can still work and fathers can spend time with their kids. It is fair to everyone involved that way.

  6. If you work you get paid. If you don't work you don't get paid. That is how it should be.

  7. the dad should go to work the mom can get paid paternity leave but there isnt really a reason the dad should have to stay home to

  8. It should be either way but one parents need to stay home with the kid and usually the mom does cause she popped the thing out, but yes it does take two to make babies and that is why the dad goes to work so he can pay for other stuff for the child

  9. If a dad wants to have time with his kid he can take his vacation time

  10. Fathers should be allowed time off to spend time with his new baby.

  11. the more the child is physically handled the better off it will be.

  12. they should be able to get time off but like 3 weeks.

  13. I think that both parents need to be around the child.

    1. I agree both parents should contribute to taking care of the baby. Babies need dads just as much as moms.

  14. I think the dad should have at least a week with the newborn baby

  15. and people wonder why the child always has a better connection with the mother.

  16. I believe the dad should have at least some time off to see the child and i totally agree with Nicole with children have two parents not just one.

  17. Kids need both mother and father, if they dont have both to rais them then they could become depressed once they get older and something serious could happen from that.

  18. i believe that both parents should be able to take care of their baby, not just the mom but then the dad also has to go out and make a living for them to have the things they need, so he wont be home 24/7 but still having time off is good!

  19. Both parents should be spending sometime time with their baby when's its a new born not just the mother. Yes the father needs to go out and make a living and stuff while the mother isn't working for that few months but he could take a week off or work half days to come and help her.

  20. Both parents should be spending sometime time with their baby when's its a new born not just the mother. I believe that both parents should be able to take care of their baby, not just the mom.

  21. Both parents should have equal roles in their child's life. Most of the time, moms spend more time with their child when they are babies, but sometimes this is unavoidable.

  22. a kid needs both a mother and father around in there just seems to be that kids grow up different when they have either just one or none of there parents around. so it is pretty important to have them around to set a good role for them to follow.

  23. everyone needs a mother figure and a father figure men and women should get the same time off for maternity leave if it comes around that the male needs to.

  24. i agree with this infographic every child needs a father and mother figure in early years unpaid or paid
