Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Danger of Calling Behavior Biblical


  1. People do pick and choose which bible verses they want to obey and live by. But just because you justify your own behavior, doesn't mean god does.

  2. at my church we went through a series call practical atheist talking about the tings people chose to follow like this

  3. I do state that it is a good thing to live by the bible, but I don't think it's very ethical to do so. I mean now it's considered wierd to do some of the things that the bible tells us and I think that many people are going away from the things that the bible tells us to do. I do believe that if we have a good faith in God it's going to get us into heaven anyways because our sins will be forgiven. I think that politicians throw the bible out during campaigns just so that people will vote for them because they think he is doing to right thing.

  4. i believe that if u follow most of the bible's major points to whats right and wrong towards god then you should be fine

  5. My pastor just hit on this topic. True, there are verses in the bible that say women should not speak in church. BUT, you must take this in context. At that time, women were uneducated. This meant that they would constantly ask their husbands questions abou what was just said. You have to take things in context.

  6. If you believe in god and his teachings you should follow his word or the bible. If you decide not to obey his laws then you have sinned. We have all sinned and we will continue to sin all our lives. But thats because we're human. On judgement day God will decide if you have passed the test.

  7. I don't really think that a politician should be saying anything about the bible when most likely, he's never even read one. Also, we live a lot differently than we did back then when women weren't supposed to talk in church. Women do a lot of things now they weren't supposed to back then.

  8. people got to relined the time frame difference if anyone who wrote the passages or any of the people that translated saw what girls could do now they would be stunned

  9. i dont think he has the right to say anything about the bible cause its holy to the amercian culture

  10. I think if you believe in the bible thats fine and if you would like to follow whats in it thats also fine and not weird, its all what you believe in and not what others think and ya the bible had different rolls for women then from now, and thats why we adapt, its apart of life to.

  11. people should choice what they beleive in if they want to fallow the verses in the bible then let them no one should judge them on their choices

  12. People should choose what they want to believe in because you shouldn't have to follow anything you don't want to. And back in the day with the bible deal women didn't have much of a say so yes they weren't suppost to speak in church cause they were uneducated.

  13. I think everyone has the right to believe what they want to believe and should have been more equal back in the day.

  14. I think that if you follow most of the bible's major points to whats right and wrong and ask for forgiveness, God will forgive you.
