Monday, March 12, 2012

The Independent Project

What kind of education would we have if students were given the keys? What would education look like if student could design their own education program with no teachers to teach them? Students would be responsible for teach each other and themselves. Can you picture this kind of education model?


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  2. I don't think so. The idea presented in the video are you the student choosing the curriculum, how you will best learn the matrial or concepts and how you want to be evaluated.

  3. This is good in some aspects that you go for things your interested in and good at. But you have to do things that arent fun and challenging because things could grow on you or give you a goodbackround for other jobs and make you a well rounded person. I also believe not everybody has or wants the disipline to keep up in studies and and really find thier potential.

    1. some people can be responsible enough to control their education, but there's also a lot of people who struggle and need to be lead and force fed until they mature and figure stuff out.

  4. i think that this may work for some people but not everyone. i for one like having a teacher stand up in front and teach me how to do things. i do think that some people have the self disapline but others dont. i dont think this should be the main way of teaching. 14 year olds still need disaplaine and control.

  5. if kids could control what they wanted to learn and how they wanted to learn. life would be happier. people wouldnt complain we wouldnt have this bullying going on or even the teachers who play FAVORITES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. If Wish's were horses then beggars would ride. if an ideal world were possible someone would have done it and we wouldn't have this discussion.

    2. ME NO LIKE WEIRD SAYING! GUUUH! Anyways GARRETT! ya its you, this answered nor disagreed with any statements made to this video so I'm going to have to ask you to please leave...just leave...NOW!

  6. There would still be bullying unless you take the public out of public schools, when people get together there is conflict there is not much you can do about it.

    1. I agree, taking the teachers out of the situation wouldn't solve any of the bullying issues... it could make it worse.

  7. I think more schools should do this. it teaches kids a lot more then any teacher could. Some kids like to learn on their own and this program also helps kids get ready for collage. This program helps the kids know what they r good at and want 2 do for a living.

  8. I think that this is a really interesting project that will work for kids who don't want to be pushed around by the government and educational systems. Also for kids who need one on one teaching, kids who need special help can get it. They can learn what they want things their interested in and it teaches kids to teach each other, take responsibility, do the best they can because its their interests they have to rely on, and do their work by themselves without cheating so they know they can succeed on their own. Their grades would improve because they are learning things that are to their personal interest and not what the world is demanding them to know. (They want to learn.)

  9. I'm not sure whether I think this is a good idea or not. If you learn better on your own, then yes, I believe it's a good thimg. However, I think that to be part of something like this you have to be mature enough to realize it's still school and not just a free pass through high school. I also thought BMOC made a good point, that in life you're going to have to do things you don't want to.

  10. there will still be bullying even if we have independent school. bullying is part of our culture and society. it will always be here. maybe we can lessen the severness of it.

  11. I think this could work for some people. Certainly you would have to have determination and be responsible and mature about it. Other people work better with the help of teachers. I personally think I would be able to do this and I would love to try it. I think the best thing about this is letting kids become more independent and discover what really interests them.

  12. I don't think it would work. Yeah, some people can "teach" themselves. Yet, there are a lot of people who wouldn't be able to teach themselves. i.e. algebra, physics, simple math even..etc. There is no guidence, which is what us so called young adults need.

    I for one am a person who needs that guidence. I need the teacher up in the front of the room, well...teaching. ha.
