Monday, March 5, 2012

Stuxnet: Computer worm opens new era of warfare

Computer virus's evident success in damaging Iran's nuclear facility has officials asking if our own infrastructure is safe. Steve Kroft reports.;storyMediaBox


  1. I find this to be very interesting. Instead of shooting eachother like we have in the past, I believe future warfare will be done electronically with viruses trying to screw eachother over and with unmanned drones killing our enemies without even standing up.

    1. That just fuels other countries on making us think that we are the lazy, fat slobs that we come off as being. It's a great idea but nothing physical beneficial, other then not losing lives, would come of it.

  2. Whoever came up with Stuxnet has a brilliant mind and great innovation. Im not saying I support Stuxnet, im not saying i dont, but whoever did this, is holding quite a lot of power in the world.

  3. This seems like a very bad thing that has been introduced into the world. Like everything else invented this will probably be used a lot and be a major threat like a suitcase nuke.

    1. yeah, if only we could keep control of weapons and not endanger ourselves. I don't know that I support this but it's good if it saves American lives (just make sure the cost of such a weapon isn't too great that it isn't worth it)

  4. I belive cyber threats like this will become more and more prevalent and frequent and something thats gonna be a big part of terriosm and warfare in the near future.

  5. What are we childern.... i know we wouldnt want to die but its for our country.. i mean this seems kinda childish

  6. Wow, I completely agree with Impa... Whoever came up with this is crazily smart. It blows my mind, too, that people were able to decode it. I think that this is a terribly scary thing, though. It sort of reminded me of the movie Live Free or Die Hard when he talked about using it to control traffic lights, water plants, etc.

  7. I can definetly see this becoming implemented as a form of a weapon for warfare, but it definetly can cause quite a lot of damage.

  8. I agree that this person is extremly smart, and holds a lot of power.

  9. This will lead to the idea that war is not deadly or gruesome, but is just a silly video game that makes us feel like we shouldn't give a shit what others might think or feel. But having this idea that ya I wanna just fly a drone around and shoot real people and think its not a big deal. DUMB.
