Monday, March 19, 2012

The Rich get Richer

Click on link below and just take a look at and read the graph titles "The Rich get Richer"


  1. Unbelievable. There is no reason that the top 1% should have almost 300% more money than the rest of us.

    1. I agree 100% and what's sad is that nobody does anything about it, they just allow this Economic inequality to be ignored, letting the top 1% to cruise through life while most of America struggles to make ends meet, especially in this hard economic time.

  2. i dont think its a bad thing. you have to start from nothing and work your way to the top so you earned your way there so you can make as much money as you want

    1. DISSAGREEEEEEDDDDD I take it your one of these PEOPLE!!!!!! SO SELFISH!!!!!!!!!!

  3. "What do we have?" "Most of the money!" "What do we want?" "The rest of the money!"

  4. they should take some of the rich peoples money and use it to make jobs for the poor.

  5. I think there is a point at which you can't work your way to the top. Some get lucky with an idea they have. The top 1% have probably been the top 1% since birth.

  6. they should have to pay even more taxes. what are they doing with all of there money anyway. there are people geting there houses taken away while the rich have more that one house.

    1. i agree they should have to pay more taxes then the middle class because they can efford it

  7. i agree with onenightstandbro they should make jobs a charitys for the poor

  8. rich peole shouldn't be so selfish with there money use it to help other people. that have none and to donate to the poor and people that are starving.

    1. exactly right. help out the country so we can be a world leader again. spend the money on improving America's standard of living and raise the lowest class up to where the middle class is.

  9. i agree with cowgirl. she is right there are people starving for food every day and the struck up people dont even care and just spend money on things that dont even matter.

  10. And people wonder why people rob banks, steal money, credit fraud HELLO Since the only people who get money are the rich people. People who are rich get money for being rich and for the people who are poor living on the streets yes maybe the poor people made some bad decisions in their life but that doesn’t mean they have the right to get labeled POOR but its our world today! Rich people should pay higher taxes and donate money to help with the single families and people struggling. Or what we should do I know this sounds silly but like the episode in Spongebob Squarepants where they travel to Atlantis we should give up all use of money and every one should focus on education
    ! And things should be given to people no one really needs to make a profit! That way people cant be judge on Richer Or Poor!!!

  11. So the actuality of the situation here is that the rich are getting richer and the poor are also getting more poor, and the middle class is slowly vanishing. *poof* HEY WHERE DID IT GO!? Yep, see told ya. That's just the way the world, or for a more realistic and connectable sense, the USA.

  12. Everyone was created equal so everyone should have to pay the same in taxes. But then again the rich people should want to help the poor out because thats the right thing to do.

  13. well obiviously they have done something to get that money so props to them...
