Monday, March 5, 2012

Kentucky tornado victim's miracle survival

Lee Cowan

If this story doesn't make you into a believer nothing will.


  1. wow, thats amazing! I've doubted that miracles are still happening, and wondered why we don't have stories like in the bible. I've even doubted that the stories in the bible were possible some things just can't be explained. If we understood how God works we would be God.

  2. So happy for this family! This is truly a miracle.

  3. that is amazing. having gone though a tornado and knowing what its like to be under one right over the house that would have been scary. there is nothing like it so i dont under stand how they didnt know it was coming because the sound is so loud. it was truely up to God that the children and father are fine. everything happens for a reason and i hope they find there reason

    1. i cant believe that little girl found her way and the dad cared the boy with broken arms this a truely amazing story

  4. its crazy how the little girl found her way to her aunts place. this is probably the coolest thing ive heard like how do you survive a tornado and walk your kid that long with two broken arms

  5. This is a miracle. How the little girl found her way to her aunts house. Also how he carryed his little boy a mile to the Aunts place with two broken arms. this is a amazing story. this family is very lucky. to have survived something like that.

  6. This just shocks me, beyond all belief. Im guessing though that the father got the worst shock of all, and was glad he is still here today. I know i would be by far. It probably would scar me to death just waiting for the tornado to take me up and away...almost like you were a leaf in the scary

  7. This is a miracle. How the little girl found her way to her aunts house. Also how he carryed his little boy a mile to the Aunts place with two broken arms. this is a amazing story. this family is very lucky. to have survived something like that.

  8. That definitely shows that we're not alone. Like things happen, and you know that you'd be dead but somehow a miracle happens. It's like you've got angels watching over you almost. That's literally the craziest thing I've ever heard. Right when he was talking about going to his sisters, I looked at Logan and said "She's going to be sitting at the kitchen table." well she wasn't at the kitchen table, but she was definitely in that house.

  9. its amazing how he didn't see it or hear it till his kids said something avout it but at least he would risk his life for his kids. even trying to hang on to them when they got tost by the tornado and ending up like that and still able to carry his son! wow at least they are all safe now. i'd be worried it i couldn't find them and the thought of them being gone..... would always stay with me

  10. this is a dream come true for these people i bet they thank god every day that their alive!

  11. that is pretty intense. i wouldnt know what to do in that situation.

  12. It's amazing to me when people write this off as luck or just a coincidence. God intervenes and saves lives and we have the audacity to claim he doesn't do miracles or even exists. No, not everyone is saved from harm or has their prayers answered, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care. God has a plan.

  13. This is truly amazing, and nothing short of a miracle!

  14. God does amazing things everyday, we just don't really pay attention until it's something big like this. Made me look around and thank Him for all that I have. This is truly a miracle that they are all alright.

  15. This is a truly amazing event. This man prayed to the lord in which he believed in during a distressing time of need, and let his kids know that he was there for them. He is a great dad for letting his kids know that no matter what happens he'll be there for them. Even though he lost grip on his daughter she was completely safe. You don't have to be religious to understand that this man is a great dad and had faith in his family that they would survive the disaster.

  16. This family is truly blessed! this is an amazing! This dad did a good job to tell his kids that everything was going to be fine and nothing will happen to them because he will be there to help them.
