Sunday, March 25, 2012

Novak Djokovic: From war to Wimbledon;contentAux


  1. "Yes, he maybe a great athlete and a very talented player, but he is a sore loser. He is far from being a great player but his reaction to any win he has against Roger Federer or Nadal shows how immature he is - ripping out shirt? Also, his camp is particularly poor sportsman, getting a teenager thrown out of Ausi Open in 2008 (I think) was just sad, the kid could not stop crying and it was his camps doing. His camp again showed great class in his matches against Andy Murray, Roger Federer (once in Ausi Open and once in French Open). His camp should be told to stay out of the arena if they do not know how to behave.

    Anyway, he is young and he can change and but will learn to handle his fame and ranking with respect for others who are greater players and still playing and earn respect for himself."

    1. @JLO21 they say jealousy speaks well it shows if u can't deal with the fact that he is number one u can berry urself u know it's not illegal and damn u don't get to judge somebody's actions every one has his personality God knows how u react when u win shit just shut up and enjoy seeing just a young player on TOP

    2. when someone wins something they are alowed to be happy about it, its something everyone does so why do people get so mad when others do it? probably because they are a poor sport because they didnt win.

    3. i agree with JLO21 he should not be such a poor sprot

  2. he shouold be glad he won but he should not be a poor loser when he does not win

  3. The joker has always been my favorite tennis player especially after he beat federer i hate federer djokovic just has fun with it and is number one dont be hating

  4. There's a line between crossing and lines and between just crossed there's.

  5. Go ahead and celebrate and when you lose it's fine to be mad. But you need to be a gentleman about it. Be a good sport. If you can't handle losing, don't play.

    1. I completely agree. Some people take sports and other games way too seriously to the point where it isn't even fun to play against them.

    2. Yus! PurpleDude is right, this man has came a long way and like he said, be a good sport it makes the game way more enjoyable when people act respectable about it.

  6. I think where he came from and where he is now is amazing, he is a great tennis player and with time he will become more mature and learn how to present himself. The impersonations were just silly though, if I were the other players I wouldn't get worked up about it.
