Sunday, September 4, 2011

Can Deleting Facebook Friends Improve Your Life?

 Psychology Today- Comment about article or on someone's comment.


  1. Well, that was interesting. But in my opinion, keeping those old Facebook friends can be nice. It's fun to catch up with people you rarely get to see and find out what they've been up to since your last visit.

  2. I don't see why you need to delete you own friends. I agree with boots on it can be very nice to catch up with old friends. I understand deleting the unnecassary friends that you dont know or never contact.

  3. Well said, Blondie! Sometimes it's nice to go through my friends list to delete those less known people and that can make it seem like a less heavy load, but keeping some of them that you still rarely see is good to do. It seems to broaden your geographical location of your circle of friends.

  4. Yes its always nice to catch up with past class mates or friends. The only reason I could see you really wanting people to permentally deleted from your life if you were bullied or just really want no contact with them. Your experiences with people as a teen shapes alot.

  5. A good reason to delete friends would be if people you don't associate with are clogging up your news feed. It would take away with your social networking with your actual friends. Sometimes having too many friends means you often don't see what your closer group is saying.

  6. Alot of drama is formed from facebook. Its nice to delete the drama and not to deal with it. People get mad over certain posts or if you don't post back right away drama is stirred up. Its all pointless drama that many people dont want to deal with on facebook. So thats another reason why to delete people so that can improve you life.

  7. The less people that know whats going on in your life or your buisness will simplify your life. When you don't have to deal with people judging your life and comparing it to yours it will make your life so much easier and so much less drama.

  8. Along with deleting the drama causers, it might be beneficial to delete the people that are always posting the "I hate drama", "Leave my life alone, and get your own", and "People suck and I hate blah blah blah" sort of posts because those people could bring a pessimistic drama filled influence in your life as well.

  9. In my opinion I always wonder why people even add simple aquaintances on social networks. If you barely know a person or only associated with them for a very small fraction of your life or just have an idea of who they are but have never met them, why would you want them seeing so much of your personal life?

  10. If you don't know them then I wouldn't suggest adding them, but if it is someone you know, why not have them? If you don't want your personal shared then don't add them. Personally, I have people I've only seen a couple of times as facebook friends, but it's fun connecting with them through facebook. I think it strengthens that friendship even more because it's a good way of communicating.

  11. I think if their are people causing you problems on your friends list you might want to delete them because thats just a lot of drama and can cause you alot of stress that is unneeded. And also if you dont know them and they dont know you then maybe you shouldnt be friends with them because they might be who they say they are.

  12. I think they way facebook is set up now is very beneficial. They have it so you can put your "friends" into certain lists to view their post and what they can view of yours. Also, when you accept someone it asks if they are an aquaintance or close friend. THis allows you to have both types of friends to stay in touch with.

  13. Facebook is pretty much in your control you can choose the settings so that could be so much more benefitial to your life. If people are ruining your life or adding stress delete them, if you keep them thats your own issues.

  14. Why would you want to go through the hassle of sorting out who you want to follow and who you don't. If you don't want to see what a person is up to, why keep them as a friend?

  15. If you don't want them delete them, but if you really don't care then keep them in case for some reason later on there's something you might have in common.

  16. By then you'll probably forget who that for example seventh grade camp buddy was.

  17. It doesn't pay to keep the people that you will talk to once in your kife and never again. You will probably catch up again once or twice in your life and then you will never talk again. whats the purpose when it could be more of a hassel to yourself.

  18. Maybe that 7th grade camp buddy is going to the same college as you, sure would be nice to know if you had them on facebook...

  19. Yes well if you never talk whats the point? If its not putting drama in your life fine go for it. but if there is drama in your life its not worth it.

  20. Random camp memory posts are always nice to get. But you wouldn't have those if you deleted them.

  21. Facebook is basically pointless, dont do it man

  22. A lot of people just don't want to say goodbye when it's final because its just that, final. Just like the concept of death being final scares a lot of people, so many believe in religions that tell them, death isn't final. That's what facebook is like when it comes to goodbyes. With facebook and other such things, people can keep their hope of goodbye not meaning 'goodbye forever', and the concept of saying goodbye doesn't scare them.

  23. I think many people are addicted to facebook and thats an issue. But if someones bothering you delete them, not that hard of a goodbye, wouldn't cause me any stress, would give me relief. If you meet again re-add them. Not to difficult.

  24. The whole business of deleting friends to make you feel less weighted down seems a little bologna like. If you need to get rid of stuff in your life it doesn't have to start with facebook.

  25. Why would having lot of facebook friends make you feel weighted down? i feel like how ever many facebook friends i have doesnt effect me. i dont go to sleep at night thinking about how many friends i have of the book of faces.

  26. Yes I believe deleting facebook friends can improve your life becuase if you have certain friends creating drama then you can just go and delete them and not have to worry about it!

  27. Well i think deleting people off facebook is alright if there is a good reason for it, not just some dumb drama stuff, you can get over it, and it's just facebook. If you don't wanna be there friend in the first place don't add them.

  28. no one really goes on facebook anymore. the only reason i do anymore is to put icture on. not for everyone to see but so i have a place for them incase i want the pictures in my future

  29. I think deleting all of social media is a good thing

  30. The only reason I delete friends is if they clog up my news feed or if I no longer want to associate with them. I think it's nice to have friends there in case I need to ask them a question and don't have their number.
