Saturday, September 10, 2011

The 9/11 Decade: Polls Show We Feel Safer, But Still Wary describe a city and a nation that have not fully recovered emotionally from the events of 9/11, and do not want to forget.


  1. New York City and the United States. This is a situation where most people will never emotionally recover. They always will have the constant reminder of what happened on 9/11. Walking by where the trade world centers used to be is always a reminder and will bring back the horrible memories. Most people will NEVER forget all the lives that were lost that day. The innocent people and all the fire fighters that lost there lives that day. Most people would rather get revenge than forget what happened. Others will never forget because they lost a loved one and there lives will never be the same.

  2. I think that this day will be remembered for a very long time in the U.S. especially, but that as generations grow, people won't be as personally attached. it's kind of like how Pearl Harbor to the younger generation today is something really bad that happened to the U.S. but unlike those who personally lost someone there, we don't have that extreme hurting connection. We just know it as bad thing that happened.
