Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Would you like to have a single gender class? why or why not? And what classes do you think would benefit from being separated by gender?


  1. It depends on the class- A couple years ago I had an Art class with all girls and we got our work done quick and well. It just depends on how well you can work some people of the same gender.

    1. Are you saying that art classes should be separated by gender? Do you believe other classes should be gender separated?

  2. I would not like single gender classes. If classes were separated by gender all discussions in the class would only be from one genders perspective. I think it is beneficial to see how both genders think about classroom topics. Some of my classes now are dominated by one gender or the other and I do not like it. In those classes we mainly only look at things from the aspect of the dominating gender and do things how that certain gender would go about it.

  3. I don't think that we should have a single gender class because some girls can work great in a group with guys.

  4. I don't think we should have single gender classes because its good to know how to work with opposite gender and see their prospective on things.

    1. Good point, it is also good to know how to work with the other gender and to be comfortable with the opposite gender.

    2. I agree with this because if we do not learn how to work with the opposite gender now we are doomed for later on in life when we may have to work with them.

  5. I don't think that we should have single gender classes because working with the opposite gender is can be beneficial. Opposing genders sometimes see things differently that can be a great learning tool.

    1. good point, i agree with you.. girls and guys shouldnt be split up just because they are opposite sex, people need to learn to work with anybody nomatter there sex.

    2. Its not only a good thing to know how to work with the other gender, but also, to see things from their perspective.

  6. I think health class would benefit from gender seperation. Mostly because it is awkward learning about the opposite gender with them in the same room. I feel like mechanical courses would be easier without both genders being mixed also.

  7. i think for separation of classrooms to work efficiently it would have to be introduced at an early age or in gender specfic subjects such as health and gym.

  8. health class definitely is a great factor in education
