Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Are we Raising a Generation of Helpless kids?



  1. I agree with this article. Some people baby their children for way to long. When the child grows up, they don't know how to do anything for themselves.

  2. I think this article is so true. Parents baby their kids all the time and do everything for them and it bothers the crap out of me. If parents keep doing this to their kids we are going to have forty year olds acting like ten year olds. Parents need to grow a back bone and let their kids grow up

  3. I agree with the article. Parents need to sit back a little more and give their kids some of their own experiences without babying them throughout the whole thing. Kids need to deal with the consequences of their experiences for good or bad.

  4. This is kinda true.
    Most kids in our generation don't know what to expect of the real world and have meltdowns when it doesn't go their way. Everyone has been guilty of that and you're lying to yourself when if say you never had. I feel that most of the parents of this generation are too light on their children; but could it be that their parents were to hard on them? Speaking on my mother's word, her childhood along with her other siblings was hard. I'm not saying that they were all like this, but it could be a reason other than the poisoned Tylenol.
    Back to to topic: Most kids are spoiled and treated like they're better than others, but the parents of these kids aren't helping the fact that they act they way they do, so when they do something wrong the parents wonder what went wrong and deny the fact that they're not helping with their child's life.
    The "uncomfortable solutions" should be suggested to a lot of parents, in my opinion.

    1. I agree, I think it can and does have a lot to do how the parents were raised. If the parent does not like how strict their parents were and how hard their parents were on them they will be a lot easier on their children.

  5. I agree with this article. Some parents baby their kids and don't make them do anything . When they get older it is going to be a lot harder for them to deal with things alone.

  6. while it is true that the parents baby their child, the lesser viewed point is that Gen Y enjoys this and can not perceive when they are being babied anymore.
