Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Is Shyness an Evolutionary Tactic?



  1. I don't see shyness as a sickness but rather as a part of someones personality.

  2. In my opinion, shyness might to deal with someones personality. But some could look at is as an illness. It could even possibly heretitary. My dad was shy growing up, but he grew out of it. I use to be shy when I was younger, but now I'm not afraid to place my opinions out there and I'm not afraid of what people in high school think of me, because it's their opinion to have.

  3. I feel like now days whenever someone has something different about them it is considered some sort of illness but i don't think that's always true.

  4. I do not believe shyness is an illness that needs to be treated nor do I believe that it is always a bad thing to be a shy person. It is a good thing to have different people with different opinions and personalities in society. I think our society tries to make everyone the same by medicating those who are different from everyone else.

  5. From a medical stand point shyness and social anxiety can only be distinguished when the cerebral cortex is observed. When there is an abnormality or deformity in this region it affects personality and memory and is considered a mental illness. Therefore, being shy and having social anxiety is nearly the same.

    1. That does not mean that it is a bad thing or that it needs to be treated.
