Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Ebola, a Nurse's Perspective



  1. its scary to see how rapid the disease has taken over.

    1. It really hasn't taken over yet, only 1 person in the us has it i believe. In my opinion, we are going to do an extremely good job containing it.

    2. As she said in the article, the one confirmed case in Dallas said that they were in contact with five children, and those five children are said to attend the largest schools there. Depending on how old they are, they're probably won't contain the virus well. I know grown adults that can't even cover their mouths when they sneeze, so what are kids going to do? the virus can live outside for a max of four days. Sooner or later it's going to spread like wildfire because humans as a whole aren't always the tidiest creatures.

  2. I never knew how serious this disease was until actually reading this article. I believe this nurse is right we need to start taking precautions before ebola starts spreading rapidly here. Especially since it has a 50% death rate. That is way higher than cancer, that is scary.

  3. I totally agree this disease is very scary, with its rapid spread and death rate.This disease only needs one person to spread it around. Precautions need to be taken seriously and we need to find a way to contain this disease or it will kill thousands of people in the U.S.

  4. I'm glad that you found this article because it's explaining Ebola to people when the media really does censor it. This is actually really scary and I hope millions of people read this article and get an understanding of what this is.

  5. It's going to be epic. Epic is a term not just for good things, epic describes anything that is incredibly powerful, it has the power to wipe out the whole planet. It isn't good, but you have to admit, anything with that kind of power is incredibly interesting.

  6. I think we should all take precautions to help stop the spread of ebola. It doesn't take much, just regular hygiene that people should be doing anyway. I think this article is kind of a wake up call for some who don't know much about it, and I'm glad this article is out there.

  7. I think one thing this article teaches us is to be more clean. It also makes me mad that it was once "forigen" and i dont want to say someone brought it over if its not true but thats what im gathering from it and it upsets me alot. I do believe our health care specialists and doctors are very good at what they do and if it does spread like wildfire hopefully they can contain it.

  8. we should be cautious. because some people during the black plauge didnt think thed get it. we need to be careful and make checkups to make sure

  9. From what I've been hearing, Texas now isn't the only place that Ebola has been reported. I think that Ebola is getting closer to Minnesota every day.
