Monday, December 17, 2012

Media coverage

Considering the event that took place in New Town, Conn. on Friday, has the media focused to much time on this tragic event?


  1. Definately yes the media shouldn't even put out his name because thats what the killer wants

  2. Yes i think they are talking way to much about this event and they should do that be talking about it that much because now some crazy guy out there is gonna be like hey i want to be on tv now so im going to do something like that. There has been a lot of threats since friday and thats why.

  3. I really don't think so. I mean yeah it gets brought up what seems like every minute but its an important event that will always go down in history.

  4. The media makes these people out as being more than they are. Instead of just offing himself in his basement, the killer thought he could make headlines and take some people with him.

  5. Those kids are scared for live as is they don't need all the excess attention now whats excess attention is a different point that everyone varies 0n.

  6. Thats exactly why people do crazy stuff like this. They want the attention. The media has been spotlighting on this way too much.

  7. Absolutely.
    The news cycle is focusing solely on this event to earn money. It would be fine enough if they have spent a day or two on it, mourning the loss that Newtown is suffering, and having some basic facts of what went down and focus solely on that. Now the news cycle is looking at every little thing that comes out of Newtown. This is the equivalent of someone having a serious wound, and the entire world going "Hey, you have a serious wound. HEY EVERYONE, NEWTOWN HAS A SERIOUS WOUND, LET'S ALL LOOK AT IT."

    Not only that, but they have caused damage to people around the incident, and in particular, anyone named Ryan Lanza, who is the brother of the shooter. The news cycle screwed up and linked his facebook page, and that page proceeded to be spammed with several death threats, and threats in general. Even further, since Ryan Lanza had liked the popular game "Mass Effect", the company who had created the game, Bioware, has come under attack for creating "such filth", having their page going so far as to have threats to burn down their headquarters.

    This has spun out of control.

    1. But isn't it in human nature to want to know what is going on? If we had simply swept this under the rug, this whole thing was pointless. Now we can learn from this and better prepare for the future, we can turn this tragedy into something we can learn from.

    2. I'm not saying we sweep this under the rug.
      What I'm having issues with is how we completely focus on one subject for an undetermined amount of time. It's fine to cover major things that have happened in the country, but we're getting to the point where people are just actively looking for something to put blame on.

    3. So, where is the line? When does it become excessively covered? Should we set time limits for each crime? Murder gets 10 minutes, robbery 6 minutes, and assault gets 3 minutes?

    4. There is no line of time for this. We can't just stop. But when it comes to the point when we aren't focusing on what actually happened, and we are looking at the people, that's when we need to stop. And not stop completely. The world does go on, and focusing on such tragedies won't help those in Newtown move on.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. There is way more media than what's needed. These kids are damaged the way it is and they don't need any more pressure.

  9. Yes, its one thing to let the world know what happened. But keep it going could only encourage the next person whos considering doing something like this.

  10. theyre definitely too focused on it. part of the reason that they do it was for the attention. By giving him all of the attention they just set up the next mass killing

  11. i understand that this is a tragedy but you dont need to make it a national occurance thats what a majority of the of the criminals want to happen.

  12. they should have gotten one hour after it happened said what they needed to say and be done with it it was taken way out of proportion

  13. I think it is fine to spread the news of a tragedy because it reminds of the evils in the world and that its not all sunshine and rainbows. But I also think that this is something we need to learn from, so schools around the country can prepare for the future.

  14. they dont need to glorify the situation

  15. yes, because if its all over media other people out there are gonna be like oh they did somthing bad mabey if I do it to i can be all over the media. It's just gonna make sombody else do it for all the attention.

  16. I think so, because some people just want to forget what happened, because they dont want to remember Columbine.

  17. I think it was the main focus of the media for too long, many crimes have been happening lately.

  18. I think those people who died on Friday deserve attention and respect. After how many days though, they really should stop talking about it.

  19. Well its getting there.
    You only can talk about or focuss on one event for so long. This isn't the only tragic thing that has happened in the nation lately.

  20. I think that media should show respect and attention to tragic things but there is a way of doing it and i dont think its by repeately bringing it up.

  21. i think it should show up on the news once and that should be it because if someone was crazy and wanted to get there name out for the world to see thats what they will do

  22. the media shows these events because society does not want it to happen again so they show the effects it has on people

  23. the criminals just want the attention but yeah maybe there is pros and cons to covering it in the media and not to

  24. It's completely understandable that news outlets covered the story to this degree; The more viewers you have, the more successful you'll be. At the same time, this story was, in my eyes, covered far too much. It gives too much encouragement for the next unstable, attention seeking, poor human-being to do such a tragic deed.

  25. i think that its fine if the news talks about what had happened but at times its like enough is enough, he wanted his name out there and thats what he got we don't need to keep broadcasting it, what happend was terrible and its fine to mourn of the people that passed away, but to sit there and keep talking about the man who did it, is sickning.

  26. i think that it is totally fine that the news talks about what happened so people can be updated on whats going on and to let people know who was involved (such as victims)

  27. I think its okay for the news to talk about it but they dont need to keep repeating themselves over and over. whats done is done.

  28. I'd say when the shooting took place, they paid a bit too much attention to it. Yeah sure, it was a huge and horrible event, but c'mon the shooter just wanted to become infamous and that's what the media made him!

  29. Yes it shoulnt have been on so soon

  30. I think that there was too much media coverage about the killer. It should have been more about the people involved in helping, and the people involved, but only of they want.
