Monday, December 17, 2012

Gun control

Should a discussion about gun control in each state or at the national level take place in light of the tragic event on Friday in New Town, Conn.?


  1. It has been proven that crime rates i.e. Australia. While countries like Switzerland, that have everyone in their country has to join the military and keep their guns and ammunition, have incredibly low crime rates.
    To further my point we should also outlaw cocaine heroine marijuana, oh we did that hasn't stopped people the best defense for a bad person with a gun is a good guy with a gun banning guns wont stop the "bad guys" from getting them if they want them it just means normal people wont have them to defend themselves.

    1. Just to add this is a fine line we are treading we can't make people have guns if they don't want them but we also can't take guns away from people who want them.

  2. I think it should be discussed somehow because people don't understand if the make selling guns illgeal... criminals don't obey the laws anyway!

  3. Criminals are going to find a way to do this even if we are more educated about gun control.

  4. Having gun bans won't stop anyone from doing wrong. That's just how it works. Bad guys to bad things and they'll find a way to cheat the law.

  5. the black market is always there and the criminals will use it to there advantage

  6. I think that it should be brought up, even though it may not help.

  7. I think that guns should only be sold for millitary purposes or people with hunting licences. The people with hunting licences should also have to rent the gun they will be using while hunting.

    1. I agree, there should really be no reason for a gun. Especially the millitary ones.

    2. I disagree strongly what happened to all the people that had a gun when the shooting was happening with the CCW, and because of them stop them.
      Rachel now we have guns they wont go away they will only get stronger, and if we didn't have guns we could use bows or knifes or anything else to kill people guns at least can be mostly a easy death.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I think it would be good to have a discussion about gun control, it is obviously a problem.

  9. yes however it wont necissarily stop mass shootings

    1. It wouldn't not at all it would probably make them more common, if not shootings robbing and other armed crimes, if its illegal to have guns and you have a gun your in power their is no one to stop you besides police.

  10. guns are not a plroblem saying guns did that is like sayin a spoon made someone fat spoons dont make people fat they make themselves fat just like people kill people not guns take away our guns they will take a knife in there and make a bloodier mess

  11. yes, but its not really gonna help I think they will just you guns badly anyway.

  12. don't punish everyone for someones wrong doing. just that one town.

  13. Yeah, I think it'd be a good idea but I really think they should take mental illness a lot more seriously. Before you're even aloud to own a gun, you should be tested for mental illness.

    1. That is a good idea. You should be tested for mental illness before owning a gun, getting a license, or anything that could possibly endanger someone else's life.

    2. But then you get people who aren't mentally ill but get classified as it.

  14. yeah sure go ahead and take away guns, see how far it gets you! Guns dont kill people, people kill people! Even if a law is passed to take away guns its not going to solve anything. If a crazy murderer wants to kill someone, he will do it one way or another. Criminals can get guns and other weapons anywhere, nomatter how much they are controlled. If you take our right to bear arms away what will we have to defend ourselves!

  15. If a person wants to do harm, They can always find the resorces to do so. Banning or "controlling" guns is not going to stop anything. We can only do our best to educate people that guns, drugs and killing is not the solution to your problems.

    1. I agree cause if you ban or control guns its only going to affect law abiding citizens.

  16. Guns are not the source of the problem the person behind the trigger is.

  17. we all got rights and one of is the right to bare arms so why the heck not?!

  18. Guns are the problem because countries like CHINA are super strict on gun laws and there crime rates are 10 times lower

  19. Even if we had discussions on gun control, people are still gunna do what they wanna do. Ya it would be nice to have a talk but it probably wouldnt make a big difference.

  20. I believe that it is worth discussing at a state level, not at a national level. There are ways to help lessen the occurrences of shootings like this. The answer may not be more gun control, but I believe that the government can work to find a way

  21. laws are good but people always find a way to break them

  22. I think we definately need to talk about it because it is starting to get out of control. The Newtown, Conneticut shooting threw everyone for a loop because it was at an elementary school with harmless kids hurt and killed. This man had no reason at all to go into the elementary school and kill these young kids. It is becoming out of control and we need to try to do something. Even though i'm not sure what that something is.

  23. The question, as phrased, has a very simple answer: YES! Obviously a discussion should be had about whether gun control is a necessary measure to help reduce violence. Whether or not a law should be passed is a different question entirely, but a discussion certainly should take place.

  24. I think that pushing towards gun control is never going to work. If someone wants to kill someone they are going to find a way to do it even if its illegal or not. Its just like drugs, they are illegal but people still find a way to get them.

  25. i think it should be brought up but then i also think that it's more of a mental health issue not a gun issue.

  26. I think the govt should give a handgun to every able-bodied adult and train them how to use it! That way everyone is less likely to attack people

  27. I think it should be brought up. If there were stricter gun laws, people wouldn't have easy acuss to military guns.

  28. the whole second addmenment people. we have a RIGHT to bear ours. i think there should be a backround check with a three chance and done guide line in place to stop repeat offenders.

  29. National just bc it would work better

  30. i parshily agree with gun control because when there are psychos running around with guns, it kinda makes you a lil uneasy.

  31. No I think it is not the guns and control that needs to change it is the people and the way we treat others that needs to be fixed.

  32. This is bull not alot of women shot guns or even carry them but i do if you dont have a reason to have a gun then ya dont have one but for hunting and stuff like that you wount give up ur gun

  33. they don't need gun control they just need to pay more attention to mental health issues.

  34. I think it should be discussed. I do not personally think gun control is necessary but it is good to discuss it anyway and hear other peoples view points on the issue
