Monday, December 17, 2012

God question

My daughter a week ago asked "why doesn't God hear my prayers" after learning that Kim (Mom) will not be home for Christmas. She is having a hard time understanding why God is not able to heel her Mom. What do you think I should have said to Madelynn?


  1. God knows so much more than we can ever understand. He knows what he is doing.

  2. I would respond by saying that God gives us hard situations in life for us to be able to learn from them and to give us strength for the future. Even though it seems tough now, it will always get better.

    1. I agree with Nicole. Sometimes we need very difficult situations in life to learn to be strong and get over them.

  3. God does everything for a reason. We might not understand it now, but God has a purpose.

    1. I agree with Rachel. We dont know why but there is a reason. We will learn from it.

  4. God is using Kim to teach others o rset examples i think your kids will be stronger and more aware of other peoples situstions and where they are comeing from

  5. I would have said that God has to answer a lot of peoples prayers, so it take awhile for him to get to your's.

  6. I would tell her God works in mysterious ways but not to give up on him, because one day your prayer will be answered.

  7. It may not seem like god is making sense by doing this but he probably having some kind of reason that will probably work itself out in the future. God work in mysterious ways.

  8. everyone will have doubts it a natural occurance but i think that you should try to explain that to her

  9. I think god loves everyone equally and tries hard to answer all the prayers of the world. I believe when he trys to help others he is also battling evil, and I believe that is why it so hard to help everyone. Things may be tough now but they will get better.

  10. You should tell her that God is trying to help Kim and is doing everything he can. He just needs time to work in peace.

  11. God.
    God is doing what he can. Just wait, things will get better.

    1. God is not doing this. We have free will. Mental disease is a product of society. Society can do as it wishes.

    2. i disagree catastrophes have always happened and they always will it wont change

  12. God is hearing her prayers, he's just not answering in the way she'd like.

  13. not everything happens the way we want it but the obstacle god places in our lives is to that we can come out stronger tomorrow then what we were yesterday

    1. I agree with Lupita he does give us stuff thats hard to handle and cant explain why. Not everything has a reason it just happens.

  14. God hears everyones prayers, it might not be our way of an answer or might not be our time for our prayers to be answered, but need to understand its in his hands. It's like a puzzle, we are only a part of the puzzle but God knows what the whole pizzle gunna be at the end.

  15. i believe that God hears everyones prayers it just takes time for him to answer them because there are so many, but no matter what he will answer them or give hints to what might happen. He holds everything in his hands.

  16. I think god hears everyones prayers also. Hes watching over everyones family through tough times and its hard when things arent getting better. but he will help heel her over time.

  17. That he as a plan for her and u will do good things

  18. God always hears everyones prayers. She's just not ready to come home yet,but god is helping her every step of the way.

  19. You just need to be patient and find out how the whole thing will end, because in the end it will get better.

  20. I think that God listens to everyones prayers and she just needs more time to get better.

  21. some people need to have more patios the slow and willing will go farther in the future

  22. At some point something good will happen and you will thank god for unanswered prayers

  23. God hears everything but he has a plan. If it is not in his plans for her to be home then she will not be because that is what is best. He has a plan for everyone and everything and if her mom doesn't get better then he will comfort the daughter.
