Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Independent Project

What kind of education would we have if students were given the keys? What would education look like if student could design their own education program with no teachers to teach them? Students would be responsible for teach each other and themselves. Can you picture this kind of education model?


  1. If kids had to teach themselves, most of them wouldnt because they wouldnt waste there time. Most kids would forget all about education unless they wanted to actually seek out the job they want most.

    1. But, with the Independent Project, kids would be able to work for the job they wanted, and still manage to keep an education.

      The video covers this.

  2. In some classes we are responsable for teaching ourselves, so yes i can picture it, for we've already done it before.

  3. I think this would be a great opportunity that we could bring to our own school.

  4. In some classes we are forced to learn ourselves so maybe it could be a good chance to see how advanced we can be.

  5. I think this is very interesting. I would like to see how our school would do something like this. It wount hurt to try.

  6. in some classes this learning ourselfs would work great, but others it would be difficult. but it would test people on how smart and dedicated they really are.
