Thursday, October 11, 2012

Drugging poor kids to boost grades in failing schools.


  1. If giving a kid that actually has ADHD aderall helps him not only socially but mentally with test then by all means keep giving him the drugs. But the ones that go crazy obviously should be taken off. I think doctors diagnos ADHD or ADD way to soon. To many kids supposedly have it.

  2. Why not help kids get better grades if they have a disorder? Wouldnt they be happy for the chance?

  3. If a kid ask for drugs i recommend giving the drugs to them

  4. why are drugs always the answer to all of lifes problems?

    1. there not always life answers but if it will help someone in a good way why not go for it.

    2. Ok so put yourself in this situation. If you legitametly have ADD and you can't focus on things very well and they offered you some pills that will help you focus and they tell you it can help with your scores wouldn't you take it?

    3. I agree, if pills are going to help you succeed, then why not use them to your advantage.

  5. becasue some dont see another way out of their situation. So they find a easy way to go and ended up here

  6. This is wrong. Giving these kids medication to boost their grades is just going to give them addictions to the drugs later on in life.

  7. I think they should not give the kids medication. They might wanna take it all the time and abuse. I think they should just learn the way there are.

  8. I dont think ADHD is a made up thing, poeple really do heve it. But if the drugs they are giving them to help them is doing the exact opposite, they should start reserch to make a solution that dosn't have the darastic side affects.

  9. Drugs optimize the human body. One could say we are not living up to our full potential unless some drugs are taken.

  10. I find it sad that schools would even consider this. The doctors are trained to do their jobs, not help their schools systems. I want to know the effects of the ADHD medication that I took though.

  11. Ok first of all, if the kids don't have A.D.H.D, then why would you give them the drug? And second I don't think drugs could really improve your grades in school. If anything these kids should be given a different type of schooling that could be provided by the school. Thirdly people should try and help these kids learn how to deal with there ADD, or ADHD because if you take drugs for it, then what happens when you stop? How are they suppose to go on when they learned that the drug was going to help them instead of being taught how to deal with there ADD & ADHD?

  12. I think that giving these kids drugs to help them perform better is a good thing. If you needed help to do better in school, by all means, take the pills.

  13. i belive if there are no side effects or harms why not give kids the drugs if he focuses and learns his stuff he could invent something good for the world if u take him off the drugs he might or would not reach to his full potential

  14. i feel like you shouldnt give kids drugs to boost there ability to learn in school because there slower than others. That just means they have to work harder than others.

  15. I think that is worng to drug the kids because then they will depend on the drugs and they will keep wanting to take them to help them get smarter.

  16. that's wrong to give kids drugs because they are slower then others they have special classes to take and teachers to help them.

  17. No this isnt right at all. Drugs are drugs and if the school band some drugs then all drugs should be band and not make exceptions for these kids i mean i realize its for the not so smart kids but still its not a right thing to do.

  18. Great idea. I totally agree with you!

    Thans and Regards

  19. Hello.
    I totally agree with you As it is very much risky for kids. It is really a very foolish idea to give kids stimulants in order to improve their school performance, because there is no evidence that it does that, except for the very short term
    Thanks and Regards

  20. That's totally wrong. Such things can make kids drug addicted. WHO should take responsibility for this should stop this nonsense.
    Read more about this at DazzleMeds.Com.

  21. I am agree with this fact that nowadays kids are getting addicted to drugs and this is very harmful to their health. One has to take step to stop all this.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

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