Saturday, October 13, 2012

Gender bias in mentoring practices.


  1. I personally never understood bias I believe girls are just as good as guys in whatever they try

    1. How about giving birth or growing a mustache?

    2. i agree everyone is created equal but you can reduce that by messing up and it may limit what you are able to do.

  2. Bias is just stupid. You have to work with the other gender soon so might as well get used to it.Whinners

  3. I agree with these comments. Being gender biased won't get you any where because you deal with the opposite sex every day of your life. Grow up and get used to it

  4. There are really nothing that makes a gender inferior just diffrent. There is no reason to be biased so suck it up and deal with it.

  5. Being gender biased won't really work out in life since both women and men are everywhere. People just need to suck it up.

  6. Why are peole even bias? Girls are justs as good at doing whatever they do. Whether its mentoring or teaching.

  7. THe thing is that women might be better at teaching girls than guys, but guys might be better at teaching guys because they might understand them better

  8. But, just hypothetically, if a job is done better by a man, is it wrong to hire more men than women?

    1. That is a very good point. If women want in on a job that is labor intensive and requires alot of strength why not just hire men rather then women? Women can't actually do everything men can do. Not being sexist or anything. I'm just stating a fact.

    2. but its fine if you hire equally, dont ju8st hire men if your a man or vice versa.

    3. Women can be better at some jobs same as men can be better st other jobs.FOr examle if i opened a restaurant then i would hire women but if i wanted body builders i would hire men

    4. So are you saying that women are automatically better at cooking then men? And women can do labor intensive work, if it is the job description and they apply obviously they would be capable of doing "labor intensive" work. Yes "some" women can do certain jobs the "some" guys can't.

  9. People who are bias need to take a look around themselves. Then maybe they will realize that maybe others might be better at something than they are.

  10. Being bias shouldn't render anyone's choice. Just because you don't like certian things doesn't mean that they all can't come together.

  11. I would probably hire men cause they are usually bigger and stronger unless i was opening a restuarant, then i would hire women

  12. yes it's true men and women can be just as equally quallified and should be able to recieve the same opportunities. But in the real world no one is going to be there to hold your hand and you have to work with other genders, so toughen up and deal with it.

  13. Many people are saying "suck it up" but men and women are just fighting for equality. Men and women tend to "categorize" each other and that is were your problem is. When you are the head of a company and you look at job descriptions, you should be looking at who is more qualified instead of gender.

  14. i agree with karlie that gender doesnt matter, men and women can be equal and they should be.

  15. gender doesnt matter now these days because we are equal and our "rolls" in life are either or. like there are male nurses and female doctors.
