Monday, February 13, 2012

Should Teachers and Students Be “Friends” Online?

Published on February 7, 2012 by Raychelle Cassada Lohmann, MS, LPC in Teen Angst

Sam was on his Facebook account and searched for his favorite teacher, Ms. Sawyer.  He clicked to find out more information about her when a message popped up "Janice only shares some information publicly. If you know Janice, add her as a friend or send her a message." Sam clicked the friend request.  A few hours later Janice, I mean Ms. Sawyer, accepted Sam's request.  Sam went straight to her page.  He scrolled through her friends and then went to her photos.  He saw pictures of her with friends and family, at the beach (in a bikini), and "jackpot" at a party drinking, dancing and wearing almost next to nothing.  "This is good stuff" Sam thought.  Sam chose the pictures he liked and then right mouse clicked and saved them to his desktop.  He then posted them on his Facebook page.  When this got out Ms. Sawyer found herself sitting in front of her principal trying to explain the situation.  "Well, Sam sent me an invite to be his friend on Facebook and I forgot all about those pictures..."  This is where the Balladeer in the Dukes of Hazzard would come in... "Well folks, I think we all would agree, this wouldn't be a predicament that any of us would want to be in."
While most educators behave appropriately online, there are a few who don't.  And as the saying goes, one bad apple spoils the whole bunch.  It only takes one teacher appearing on national television not using common sense online to taint the perception of educators across the nation.  It is because of this that school districts across the US are scrambling to create policies that limit or ban conversations between educators and students via texting and social media platforms.  Today school districts are trying to balance not only cyberbullying, but also freedom of speech and rights of privacy.  The latter two don't just apply to students but to educators as well.  Research is revealing that educators are being fired because of what they're posting and doing online. 
In order to protect themselves, many school districts require teachers to sign some form of acceptable use policy regarding electronic communication use.  Most school systems warn teachers to use caution when communicating with students online and to be wary of what they post.  Teachers who behave inappropriately or have online pictures of themselves drinking, partying, etc. could face termination.
So, how does all of this affect you?  Where do you draw the line?  Should your child's teacher be his/her "virtual friend"?  The answer may not be straight forward because it all depends on who you ask. 
Proponents of educators using social media platforms to communicate with students argue that technology is a great teaching tool.  They feel that social media is a positive way to connect to students in the world they live in.  Students are online so much that closing a door to reach out to them is an opportunity missed.  Plus, they feel that restricting their access to communicate online infringes on their constitutional rights. 
There are some educators who don't believe teachers should interact with students on social platforms.  First, there are some real ethical concerns.  There have been documented stories of teachers who have ended up in sexual relations with students and these relationships began online.  Teachers also need to be careful of what they post because some teachers have been terminated because of their online behavior.  Professionally, there needs to be clear boundaries established between private and professional lives.  As in the example of Ms. Sawyer, imagine being Sam and how those pictures changed or tarnished his image of his English teacher.  Sam's once favorite and respected teacher had lost her credibility and rather than seeing her as his instructor he kept thinking about all of those pictures he stumbled across.  Bottom line - teachers are educators and role models and shouldn't be "friends" with their students.
Teachers not only teach content but they also instill values to help their students become outstanding and productive citizens.  Educators teach youth by their own examples.  Home and personal life don't need to spill over into the classroom.  So teachers need to establish boundaries and keep their private lives, private.  Aside from family, teachers spend the second largest amount of time with teens.  They need to realize that they are role models both inside and outside of the classroom.  Educators play a pivotal role in shaping the youth of today.  Their job is invaluable to our society and should be one of the most respected positions in our nation.  


  1. Should students and teachers be friends on facebook? I think not Teachers have there own life outside of school that ends once the school bell rings its last bell. Students also have their own life. Students complain about their teachers all the time and yet they add them on facebook. So my answer to this question is very simple. NO!

  2. Depends on the relationship with the teacher because sometimes you can achieve a first name basis and be friends that talk about problems and such..but most of the time no

  3. I dont think it matters if they are friends on facebook just as long as it doesnt go too far like them having a relationship thats more than friends that would be a little weird.

  4. I would say it depends. I have a few staff on my facebook, but I don't really interact with them and it's people who I know outside of school. But otherwise I wouldn't just add a random teacher, or accept a request from a random teacher that I'm not friends with. Same with parents, I really didn't want to have my mom as a friend, because facebook was my own little personal space and I didn't want to be nagged about such and such and answer 20 questions about who this person I added is, etc. But I eventually added her and she does it sometimes, but it doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. I don't like having a lot of adults on my facebook either because I don't think they should be friends with me or see what I'm talking about with my friends or get in on the 'latest gossip' their in their 40's they need to stick with people their age instead of living vicariously through their children.

  5. I dont think it matters everybody has a life and i dont think they should get fired because of it

  6. i believe that you can be "friends" with a teacher online AFTER you graduate though, because it can create social awkwardness while in highschool if yes you see something online that you shouldnt have seen. i understand that is a good way to connect to teenagers because sometimes thats the only way they listen is through technology. i mean if you were a teacher and thats the only way your students understood or connected with what you were trying to tech them wouldnt you do the same?

  7. And its facebook who really cares

    1. Because it's Facebook EVERYONE cares. If it didn't matter Facebook wouldn't have the population of the 3rd most populated coountry in the world.

  8. I disagree with "Duh313" if theres stuff on the page thats bad like drugs or behavior i believe the employer has the right to know what theyre getting into and you dont have to post that crap on the internet its that simple

  9. it can be a good thing so that if you have a question on your homework they might be online to help. however if the student abuses it and black mails the teacher there should be individual consequences.

  10. Teachers can still communicate with their students on Facebook without adding them as a friend. If they create a class page, the teacher can post updates to his/her class, and the students can post questions. With that said, no one needs to be Facebook friends with their teacher.

  11. i agree with davinci code, but i also think it is very helpfull if your teacher has a class facebook page so you can communicate with your friends and teacher about your work cause sometimes that is needed out of school. i think it would be just frowned upon to be friends with a teacher on a chatting online thing until you out of highschool.

  12. in a way the teachers and students are friends, well some teachers. not all of them but yeah. i think they can be friends because well facebook friends is basically "have you ever heard of that person before" so it shouldnt matter

  13. The teachers should only add students they really know and trust(and vice versa), and if someone can't keep it PG they shouldn't have a Facebook account

  14. I dont think teacher and students should be friends on facebook because unless you know them out of school. I think it would be werid if you where friends with a teacher that you didnt know outside of school. Its not like your going to talk to them on facebook anyway.

  15. yes the class page works amazing! my younger sister has a class with a page on facebook and that has been like a miracle! cause if she has a question or something im sorry but sometimes i can barely figure out my homework let alone help her with is superb that her teacher can answer her questions at any point because of that class page

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. As long as the teacher keeps what they post and their relationship with the student PG, I don't think there is a problem with being their friend. I think it could be a positive thing if the teacher is watching the content posted by their students and making sure they aren't doing anything inappropriate. I personally believe it's stupid and unnecessary when anybody posts pictures of themselves drinking.

  18. i think what they are trying to say here is there is always a possibility that the teacher or student wouldnt keep it "PG" i mean ya its all fine and dandy if they do keep it that way but you never know who is out there i mean you maybe can trust someone but that dont mean theyre never going to mess up

  19. You need to understand that once a comment is out on the net it is forever.

    1. I think this is something that most teenagers don't think about when they post online. They think just because they hit the delete button that they are in the clear, but that's not the case at all.

  20. I personally wouldn't want to be friends with teachers online.

    1. I am friends with a few teachers online, but those are ones that I feel I really get along with. I think it's okay to add them, just watch what you do.

  21. i wouldnt wanna be friends with teachers but i can see where it would be alot easier if you had a question and asked them quick on line. But you can also do that threw email. Teachers can make a facebook page and all the students become friends and ask questions that way but that necessialry doesnt mean you have "to be friends" wait till you graduate to become friends with them. I dont wanna know things about teachers and im sure they dont wanna know stuff about me either. unless they are creepy

  22. i also agree being friends with a techer is kinda goofy, they wouldnt know a lot more about your life out of the school walls and you would know a lot more about the teacher. i wouldnt want my teacher to know things that they dont need to know. yeah a facebook page that all the students can get together for a class is nice and you dont have to be friends with your teacher its pretty much then same thing as asking them a question in class. being friends with teachers i think is kinda unprofessional for teachers to be showing students there party times

  23. and not even that. teachers can even see your stuff even if your not friends but thats when privacy comes about. I dont think students should want to know stuff about their teachers and teachers shouldnt want to know about us. Yeah if some thing is fishy like drinking while in a sport they should know, so they can turn you in

  24. oh miss buttercup is even being friends with your volleyball coach okay?? to be honest a coach is pretty much the same as a teacher and thats still a bit goofy to be friends with.

  25. not necessiarly. because they arent a teacher that i have in class. Coaches you have a better relationship with that teachers becasue you spend more time and get to know them better. I would be friends with a coach on facebook because i have better realtionships with them

  26. its still almost the same as a teacher but what i believe is weird is to have a teacher be friends whith you especially a substitute teacher would defiently not be okay to be friends with becuse you barley even know they person.

  27. yeah and most substitute teachers are kinda creepy, i could raddle a few off that sub here. Its okay if your friends but once you start interacting with them on your social network then it get a bit awkward.Or you see them and they remember everything that you have posted or done

  28. especially if they start talking to you over the internet and liking your photos in a way it can be a bit stalker of a person to do that, it also can go the other way around a student friending a teacher and creeping on them all the time isnt right either, i just think that if there isnt a group thing on the internet and your not very close friends with the teacher that you should be friends with them , it just dosent work.

  29. that is soo true, but also i think you can wait with being friends. add them when you are graduted and if you cant wait then its kinda weird. maybe something more is happening then just a teacher and student friendship. which is also sick. i think teachers and students can put up a show in school and off school grounds could be a little creepy and who knows what all happens

  30. i agree i dont believe we have any teacher here who would do that but in bigger schools that somthing they have to worrie about, it just isnt right to be friends unless you have known them your whole life or are related to them, if a teacher adds you i thinik it would be best to decline the offer

  31. My opinion would be NO. I do not think that students and teachers should become friends on any social networking program on the internet. School is an official learning program and it's important to KEEP work official. Having students be friends with teachers can lead possibly to "picking favorites" or even and invasion of privacy to both the student and teacher. A student may post something based on how they feel at the moment and catch that teacher by surprise and lead to other things. School is a form of work or business and I say Keep Work Official, Friends are not a priority when it comes to work. Keeping the head honcho's happy is more important, its where progress on your part leads to promotion or graduation.

  32. I think teachers and students can be friends. I have kids in my grade who are my closest friends, so I grew up with their parents around. I knew them before they were my teachers, so I think it's okay.
