Monday, February 20, 2012

The 99%

Do you ever wonder if the top 1% is doing all they can to keep the 99% from ever reaching the top 1% economically? Do we in the U.S. have anybody in Washington DC looking out for the 99% or are they just looking out for themselves and the 1% because they know who really has the power?


  1. This is what the Occupy MN protest was about, right?

    1. yes and its broader then Mn its wall street and in most every state. I believe they try because theyre protecting thier intrests and if they let the 99% take back the wealth they wouldnt have money and control

  2. I believe that the top 1% is out for themselves. I would love to be part of the Occupy Wallstreet movement.

  3. i believe that washington is just trying to keep it so their the only ones at the top. but the rest of us may be struggling but we could over come them if every one applied for jobs upgraded their lives and got with the picture

  4. I don't know about them trying to keep the 99% down but I think they could do more improve the welfare of the majority of the citizens.

  5. i dont think they put effort into anything they dont keep us down but i dont think they do a damn thing to help us out either

  6. i dont think they are trying to keep the 99% down they are just not making an effort

    1. I agree with you they just don't really care about the 99% but there not trying to do anything to keep them down

  7. ya i think the one 1% just looks out for themselves and really doesn't care about anything else

  8. They do everything in their power to keep us down. They control the government, military, and the economy.

  9. the 1% and the government is only looking out for themselves because they do have all the power so the 99% doesn't matter to them if they have no power
