Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Does our society (American Society) value Life?


  1. some people do, some people dont as much

  2. Some do because they can get what they want whenever. For others, they want to give up

  3. I am talking about America as a whole not as individuals.

  4. I think that we as Americans very much value life. People want to come here just to live the dream so you should value your life here.

  5. I think that in America, we do not value life. Abortion, by definition is ending human life. How can we value life if ending it is legal and normal?

  6. Well since we are all alive im guessing most of us value life to some degree, exept for the suicidal people but they still value other lives just not their own

  7. I feel that we don't value life as much as we used to in the past. These days we value the little things in life such as our phone, computer, and money.

  8. I think we do value our lives but in the meantime we think we are so much better then everyone else

  9. i think we value life but maybe not as much as other societies might

  10. Well if people value life then why is health insurance prices so high? If they cared about all the people even the smaller guys they would have insurance for everyone, not for just the rich people.

  11. i think that it often takes a life changing experience for most of our society to value life or to have a strong faith in God

  12. I feel like most value life but not as much as others. Some of the younger generations think of their bodies as indestructible and therefore abuse their bodies alot.

  13. i feel like no one really values life how they used to. Now days it seems like most people don't care about anything or anyone but themselves.
