Monday, February 6, 2012

“So what’s the deal with that?” – Observational Comedy and Sociology

Click on link


  1. So basically this article explains itself yes everyone thinks different things are funny and some people think there not. But as long as you’re not the DA who laughs at every little thing and tries to make a joke out of everything

  2. i agree. every one thinks different things are funny. not everyone has the same person in mind when they think of the funniest person they know. also everyone thinks different things are funny.

  3. I agree with both Juliet and the article. Timing is definitely a big factor in what someone perceives as funny. If someone cracks a joke when you're stressed, you're probably not going to laugh at all. But if they tell the exact same joke when you're already having a good time, you're going to find it a lot funnier.

  4. Everyone has different thoughts of what's funny, like everything else in life. What's funny to me might not be funny to you. Don't be too stupid it's annoying, that's one of my biggest pet peeves, though ironically I've been so annoying a lot.
