Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Bemoaning how Halloween has turned into an opportunity/requirement for women and girls to dress sexy is nothing new.



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  2. if they want to wear those good for them no one is making them

  3. I think that the companies that are making these costumes know exactly what they are doing! They don't need to make the costumes "slutty". If they would make actual female costumes that actual female professionals would where then we would never be in this whole thing. I think that if the women want to wear them that is there problem, they more then likely know that they will be called names. Untimely I think that it is the person wearing the outfit that has the final decisions...

  4. I'm not sure why we have to make the women costumes sexy and not the males. The companies who make these costumes should remember how many sickos are out there waiting for Halloween because they know that womens costumes that are make by a company and sold as a set are skimpier then mens which makes it easier to sexually assault or just plain assault them them. I think we need to get rid of those kind of costumes because all they do is make the women look like a sex symbol. I also get its up to you what you wanna dress up if you dress up, but if you do a DIY costume it maybe more expensive.

  5. I think in they day that it is expected for women to dress "sexy" for Halloween and when they don't some people get upset. I don't think that it should be expected. The whole deal with women being able to dress like men and be okay with it and also not getting judged is because women can wear men's clothing and their bodies will still be covered no problem. But when men wear women's clothes they are more revealing then men's clothing so therefor men get made fun of or judge for when they wear more feminine clothing.

  6. They should at least make a not so sexy costume for the females they allow them to have fun but not to be placed as an object

  7. They should at least make a not so sexy costume for the females they allow them to have fun but not to be placed as an object

  8. I think that it's kind of funny that there is no "normal" version for women and why isn't there a sexy version for men ? I don't have any explanation for that, I only think it's stupid and weird.

  9. There are plenty of 'non-revealing' costumes out for women, but it does have point on how they put those more revealing costumes out there. i see it as it's there choice to wear that costume not ours, if they want to dress up like a little skank so let them, its Halloween its not about the costumes its about having fun.

  10. There are plenty of 'non-revealing' costumes out for women, but it does have point on how they put those more revealing costumes out there. i see it as it's there choice to wear that costume not ours, if they want to dress up like a little skank so let them, its Halloween its not about the costumes its about having fun.
