Thursday, January 26, 2012



  1. Anorexia or anorexia nervosa is a disorder characterized by the fear of becoming fat and the refusal of food, leading to debility and even death. The majority of people who have anorexia say they do it to look like someone famous or to "Fit in" with their peers. People need to embrace their originality, uniqueness, and should never give up these characteristics just to fit in and be liked. Manny have this, and generally never recover from it. For the chance that they do recover they usually have high health problems, and suffer through the recovery process everyday they live. It is apparent that no one should ever do this. It should never be an alternative when life is unbearable. Like suicide; NO ONE SHOULD DO IT. If you have thoughts about doing this, find someone to talk to, anyone even God if you want. Even if you do not believe, some people say it is nice to talk to "God" or "Mother Nature" when really you are talking to your inner being. To truly be comfortable with yourself, you have to be in touch with your inner self.

  2. This is a very sad and scary thing to start. because you deal with it for the rest of your life. i think they look worse when there really skinny and you can see there ribs and all there bones. But this is what they think the ideal person looks like.

  3. its sad that people think they look fat even when they weigh like 90lbs its not right and most of these people ended up this way because of bullies calling people "fat" is not right its mean and can really hurt someone these people are some examles of what happenes to someone and what happens to there self esteem. its very sad

  4. I think anorexia is a personal choice that forms over time there is not way you can just wake up one morning and have anorexia, like a cold or just decide one day that your not going to eat. This has to be causes by stress. Now let me define stress meaning bullied, teased, or unsatisfied with self-image. People with anorexia have the choice to eat but choose not to. In many ways just because a person in skinny does not mean that there are anorexic

  5. some teenagers complain all the time that their so fat, or their squishy, or they could lose some weight. in the locker room thats all you hear from people, i wish they saw these videos because this scares me so much to watch these to and know what they could be doing to themselves. Knowing that theres a difference between working at it to stay thing, and working at it to stay healthy and comparing them. its no where near the same no matter what a person says

  6. The saddest thing to me is that they could watch these same videos, see how great of a risk they have of dying, and still refuse to eat. Anorexia is a terrible mental illness, and I hope that someday they find a way to cure it permanently.

  7. I think the part that makes me the most sad is hearing that eight year old children are unhappy with the way they look. These little girls are looking up to women that are underweight, thinking that's what they have to be and for the most part, society doesn't want to be the change that says "You are beautiful for who you are". It's not right, and the media obviously isn't doing enough to change the way women (and men!) feel about themselves. It makes me very angry that some of the same magazines that think they are great for having plus sized models will still have things about "how to lose weight" , "who's the hottest", etc.
    It's very difficult for me to think anybody chooses to have an eating disorder. Yes, you make the choice to not put the food in your mouth or puke it out, but I don't think anybody would choose to think of themselves so negatively that they would starve themselves for days. I'm very on the fence for who causes it.. Over all, as much as I wish there was a cure, I think the only thing that can change these people is if they accept that society's definition of beauty is warped and that everybody is beautiful in their own way.

    1. I agree the way society is imaging women these days is wrong. Its terrible that something like this can start so young. Eight year old girls unhappy with their body. At that age you should be more worried about what game to play next. Society has a big influence on this all.

  8. Anorexia is a disease that i think happens after self image problem. When people tell you that you are fat, or ugly. That happens all the time. Thats why bullying is so bad. I think Anorexia is a disease that cant be stopped, people choose to do it, so its always gonna be there. It happens to the people that i think start out skinny in the first place. Its like your self consious of your body. I have played on sports teams with people that had suffered from it and it definitly effects how they played and played now. Escpecailly softball, a person was a great pitcher went aneroix and completely ruined her career. It ruins familys too.

  9. It’s kinda sad that some people do this to themselves, just to look like other people. It is really sad that 8 year olds are doing this 2. People should just be happy the way they are.

  10. I agree with you Buttercup, Anorexia is a disease that people choose to do but if your affected with it for many years its hard to recover from it, its like smoking even when you quit your body is still damaged.

  11. i agree "love!" you should just wanna be the way you were born. God would have made you be something else if he thought that you should have been that person. snuffleupagus that is a very good point that you made. your body will always be damaged when you do anything that is bad for your body you will always be affected.

  12. thats very true we were all made by God and we should stay the way were are. Its very rude to tell someone their fat because you dont know how the person will react to it.

  13. yeah and its bullying. we go through programs at school to not bully but yet it happens all the time. Like just think about if you always got bullied about being fat or ugly. like would you take it to offense or just blow it off. Id say most people would take it to the heart.

  14. i agree with that i know that if some random person came up to me and told me i was fat or ugly i would take it to the heart it very mean for people to do that and they really dont understand how it makes a person feel, yet anorexia is mainly a choice for a person to do but its very difficult to stop when you have an image in your mind of what you think people should look like

  15. that is a very good point but i also dont think that you should care what others think bout you. its not your problem that you like food. Everybody needs food, its a bare necessity. With out food that is what is gonna happen. your gonna become anorexic.

  16. Thats true also we shouldnt care what people think about us but there are so many women who are very self conscious and take words to the next level. some women end up putting a picture in there mind of a model who is size zero and think that they should like that person even though there is only a small persent of women who are size zero and healthy

  17. I know somebody who is/was/recovering from... anorexia. When she became anorexic, it was tough. I had to sit and watch her wither away to almost nothing. She was involved in sports and was a superstar at everything she did! But as she started to lose weight, her superstar sports ability was lost too. It had started with words that these nasty people shouted at her. Although we say we shouldn't care what people say or think about us, we do still. It is human nature, and no matter how hard we try to avoid it, it's inevitable.

  18. yeah i know what you saying but sometimes i think it is hard to not think about it. yeah we say we shouldnt care but really deep down we do. once you become a great athlete and then wither away, your full potential is not gonna come back because we became weak and not able to do the things you use too.

  19. Words do hurt and anorexia can happen to anyone even men. i believe anorexia is a condition that we put in our minds and also what people can put in our minds by saying hurtful things to us. You can try and not think about what people are saying but i feel like once you hear somebody call you something for example: fat, ugly and so on. no mater how hard you try and ingnore what is being said to you it will always be in the back of your head and may bother you for many years

  20. but dont you think that if you keep hearing the same thing that there is gonna be people who believe it. Its the wrong thing to do because bullying is so wrong and half of it starts at school and online. Online bulling is so common and i think that it should be stopped

  21. It's called a "grotesque". It is when a person is told over and over again that they are something. Good or bad, then they inevitably take on the image. So in this case, if a person is told they are fat all the time, they will take on that image. They will probably either eat more and actually become obese, or turn to anorexia.

  22. It's one of the worst things people do to each other. The image of perfect beauty has been so distorted that some girls will always be striving to achieve satisfaction through harmful devices. It's sick what we've turned into.

  23. Anorexia terrible to whitness. I've seen girls go through this to achieve beauty, or because their being bullied. Once one starts this it takes over the mind and is very hard to get out of.

  24. I know that some girls want to look like someone famous but most famous actors arent so skinny that you can see their bones or look like skeletons. So why do people take it so far?

  25. media is largly to blame for as well as poor family units but im really glad that the girl in the first video turned to God

  26. Anorexia is such a sad subject. Media and peers are a huge factor to feeling like you're not good enough. I think anyone going through this needs at least 1 good person to support them and help them get through anything: eating disorders, depression, anxiety, etc.
