Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Acting Out War’s Inner Wounds



  1. I think I would rather live w/ the physical injuries than the mental. The psychological injury would completely alter a person’s way of life. Like for examp Someone is happily married and has a loving family and decides to unite the army and came back w/ P.T.S.D. and the got a divorce by no means wanted see their family again and is clings to drugs and alcohol to fill the empty gaps in their life. Unlike the Physical injuries you go to the doctor may a few time each month or every just twice and your all better even though you could be in a wheelchair or have a hook for a hand but at least still have your warm hearted family with the loves and cares about you.

  2. i think people who have a good heart and stress before they even go into the army, shouldn't join in the first place, because that is just asking to be traumatized of all the stories of the war..

  3. i think that i would rather have physical damage than mental. this is because mental is in your head and you cant get rid of it no matter how much you want to. physical you can get over and learn to live with and embrase it.

  4. So sad hearing stories of heroes coming back home and having to suffer PTSD. The world is very physical and appearance can create much judgement from people, but I think it could be easier to have physical injuries than mental.
